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Email marketing for design studio success

Connect with more clients through newsletter marketing.

Newsletters are a surefire way to reach thousands of people quickly. Millions of people have emails and that number is growing year by year. When creating your marketing plan, email marketing should make the cut. For both, new and established businesses, newsletters are highly recommended because of it’s success rate. Compared to other marketing platforms, email is the more profitable marketing channel. Email is also consistent. It has stood the test of time and shows no signs of falling off anytime soon. For designers, newsletters are a great way to build meaningful relationships with clients, grow your studio’s brand, and generate leads.

Here are the top advantages of email newsletter marketing for design studios:

  • Directly communicate with clients. Email marketing is a direct way to communicate with your audience and is the preferred form of communication. As a designer, maintaining communication with clients is important––you want to stay at the top of their minds. Newsletters allow design studios to relay studio updates, achievements, and promotions. 
  • Grow connections and loyalty. Newsletters allow designers to foster a creative community and build a loyal client base. Newsletters are an extension of your passion for design and a space to showcase your creativity. Successful marketing goes beyond just selling your services. Creating a design newsletter can provide the foundation for meaningful connections and strengthen client relationships.
  • Build brand awareness. You run a professional studio and you should be seen as such! Having an email newsletter helps your studio appear more reputable in the eyes of prospective clients. Creating an email newsletter is a great way to come off as an established brand. When clients trust your brand they are more likely to recommend your studio. Your brand client list will expand—a big win.
  • Increase revenue. Email marketing has a high return on investment. It produces an astonishing ROI of $42 for every $1 spent. The numbers speak for themselves. As your mailing list grows, so will your revenue. Newsletters are a great investment for studios.

Successful businesses have a solid strategy behind their email marketing, using email marketing softwares like Buttondown to reach their goals.

Buttondown just made sending a newsletter easier all around, from formatting text to looking at analytics to see what worked and what didn't.
Andy Dehnart

What Buttondown brings to the table:

  • Economical. Buttondown’s affordable pricing plans start at just $9/mo
  • Simple interface for less techy people. Save yourself from a headache. Buttondown’s intuitive interface is easy to use.
  • Designer-friendly tools. Buttondown provides powerful features that make writing great emails and managing a mailing list as easy as possible with insightful analytic tools, scheduling, automations, and integrations
  • Fantastic customer service. Proudly a customer-centric company, you are always speaking to real people ready to help with any issues––no bots here.

There is value in having a newsletter. Email is a consistent long-term platform that offers direct communication with established and potential clients. It’s one of the few marketing tools that can broaden your client base and significantly increase your studio’s revenue. If you need a sign to start your newsletter, this is it.

Buttondown is trusted by multiple design studios:

  • HEX Projects, HEX Projects is a typographic company founded by Nick Sherman that makes fonts and web­sites. This site shows a selection of fonts going back as far as 2005. Most of them are still works in progress.
  • Realmac Software, Realmac Software is an award-winning, independent software company with a passion for the Mac.
  • Ponder, Ponder is a studio for ethical design. Ponder is united by the urge to use its skills for the better — and by the values that define our work: Ponder is about transparency, internally as much as externally, about learning, experimenting and teaching and ultimately about the responsibility to use our expertise, network and privilege to push for a more social and sustainable world.

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