
Memberful integration support

Buttondown integrates with Memberful to make it easy to add a Memberful subscription to your newsletter.

Yes, it's really that simple.

Memberful's a great solution for monetizing your audience through membership programs that are flexible and easy to manage. With Memberful, you can create a membership program that works for you, whether you're looking to offer a subscription, a one-time purchase, or a combination of both.

Buttondown's Memberful integration makes it easy to connect those members to a newsletter and supercharge your audience engagement. With the Memberful integration, you can automatically sync your Memberful members to your Buttondown audience, so sending email updates to all of them (or a subset!) is a breeze.

Not only that, you can supercharge your newsletter with all sorts of power tools that Buttondown offers, like:

  1. Flexible, ergonomic automations that let you grow revenue and engagement without lifting a finger.
  2. RSS-to-email that lets you automatically send your blog posts, podcast episodes, or other content to your audience without having to — uh, lift a finger.

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.