
Cross-post to Twitter

August 12, 2024

A few months ago, I shared my sad little social media ritual:

I have a little ritual every time I publish something that I'm sure many readers can resonate with:

  1. Send a newsletter.
  2. Post the newsletter to Twitter.
  3. Post the newsletter to LinkedIn.
  4. Post the newsletter to Bluesky.
  5. Post the newsletter to Mastodon.
  6. Post the newsletter to Facebook.
  7. Post the newsletter to Threads.

Well, as of today that step is exactly one step simpler, because you can now cross-post to Twitter directly from Buttondown 🎉.

Sign into your Twitter (or X, if you're really into that) account from Buttondown and then set up an automation and you're off to the races. (You can read the full documentation here.)

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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