
Cross-post to LinkedIn

June 19, 2024

I have a little ritual every time I publish something that I'm sure many readers can resonate with:

  1. Send a newsletter.
  2. Post the newsletter to Twitter.
  3. Post the newsletter to LinkedIn.
  4. Post the newsletter to Bluesky.
  5. Post the newsletter to Mastodon.
  6. Post the newsletter to Facebook.
  7. Post the newsletter to Threads.

It is... annoying. And as of today, it is exactly five seconds less annoying, because you can now cross-post to LinkedIn directly from Buttondown 🎉.

Why LinkedIn, and not, say, any other social network?

  1. Facebook and Twitter support will be coming soon.
  2. Mastodon support is sort of... weird, since it's a federated network and our auth flow won't handle it well.
  3. Reddit feels kind of like a weird fit here.
  4. Bluesky is still iterating on OAuth support.

If there's any that you think we're missing, though, let us know!

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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