
You can now reply to tracked replies

December 8, 2023

We launched tracked replies around a month ago, to great fanfare: we've tracked tens of thousands of lovely replies to your very lovely newsletters, making it easier to organize and respond to them (whether manually or with automations).

But we've heard from some of you that you'd like to be able to reply to replies, too: it was kind of a pain to have to start a new thread when you wanted to respond to a reply.

So we've added a new features: meta replies. (We don't actually call it "meta-replies" anywhere, it's just kind of funny to say.) When Buttondown emails you with a reply, you can now reply to that email, and we'll pass that along to your subscriber.

Better yet, we'll also keep track of it within analytics, so it's easy to check at a glance whether you've replied to a reply. Terrific!

Updated on

December 8, 2023

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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