
Better CSS inputs in the settings page.

February 17, 2023

Gang, I know — the settings page can be rough at times. There is a lot of knobs and whistles and it is somehow both overwhelming and confusing, a little like getting lost in a jungle of poorly-styled text boxes. We're working on it, slowly and steadily!

Some of these changes are big ones — like adding the minimap to the right of the page. Some of them are small, like this: we've added a bona fide CSS input widget to the settings page. Gone are the days of having to futz around with an unstyled textarea component: you now get syntax checking, undo/redo support, autocomplete, and more.

There's more to come, I promise — but these tiny little improvements add up.

Updated on

February 17, 2023

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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