
Survey your subscribers to learn more about them

Easy, privacy-friendly surveys to learn more about your subscriber base.

There are a number of reasons you might want to survey your subscribers:

  1. Collecting feedback about what content they want to see
  2. Driving engagement and creating a sense of community by asking for their opinions
  3. Obtaining demographic information to help you sell ads or sponsorships
  4. Just, frankly, for fun

Whatever the reason is, Buttondown's first-party support for surveys makes it easy to send out quick one-question surveys to your subscribers. They answer from their browser (no proxying out to a third-party service), and you get the results in your inbox and your analytics pages.

Surveys that actually get responses

Buttondown's surveys boast response rates _200%_ higher than the industry average. Why? Because they're easy to answer, and they're sent from a trusted source. Subscribers don't have to click through to a third-party site, and they don't have to worry about their data being sold to advertisers.

One-click analysis

Buttondown's surveys are automatically collated and analyzed for you. Subscribers' responses are automatically grouped and tracked.

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.