
Send from Gmail (or Outlook, or Superhuman, or...)

Buttondown can send a newsletter from your own email client.

An example of writing a newsletter in your regular old email client.

We're proud of the interface we've built, but we know that sometimes you just want to send from your own email client. That's why we've built a 🪄 magic email address:

Send an email to newsletters@mg.buttondown.email from your account's email address (the one you signed up with) and we'll send it out to your subscribers

Want to just save it as a draft? Send it to drafts@mg.buttondown.email instead.

This feature is especially useful for folks who are managing newsletters for less technically inclined writers and creators. You don't need to onboard them to yet another tool — just give them the magic email address and they're good to go!

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.