
Mastodon integration support

Buttondown integrates with Mastodon to make it easy to share your newsletters with your followers.

While we don't support ActivityPub (yet!), Buttondown is still a natural choice for authors interested in maintaining and growing their presence on the Fediverse. Here's why:

  1. We're huge proponents of POSSE and RSS; you can easily fold a newsletter into your existing social media strategy, whether you're a veteran of the IndieWeb or just getting started.
  2. Our sharing integrations make it easy to share your newsletters with your followers, whether you're on Twitter, Mastodon, or elsewhere.

All it takes is a flick of a switch and all of your subscribers are prompted to share your newsletters with their various Mastodon networks, and our smart-linking means that the bottom of every newsletter will link out to your Mastodon profile as well.

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.