
Subscriber autonomy

June 18, 2024

Four months ago, when we launched subscriber self-tagging, we ended with a little teaser:

(You might be asking yourself — "okay, cool, but what if they want to change their tags down the line?" — and the answer to that is coming next month!)

Well, it is not "next month" per ce — it is, if we're being accurate, "next next next next month" — but it is finally here. You can now let subscribers change their tags after they've subscribed, as part of what we're calling Subscriber autonomy. If you have a subscribe form that lets folks tag themselves, you can now include a link in your emails that lets them change their tags after the fact — no need to send them back to the subscribe form or ask them to unsubscribe and resubscribe.

Just head over to the Subscribing settings page to enable this feature. We hope you love it!

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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