Afternoon Slow
To the sound of trumpets in thrusts March
March 2, 2025
hello, Five things: Ronald Blyth writes about the end of February and the beginning of March in Next to Nature:“The colours of Christmas have been...
A ballet for searchlights and speakers
February 2, 2025
Too soon, I was late last time. And now the first Sunday is right at the beginning of the month. So this might seem a bit sudden. Sorry. Anyway. Five things:...
She wanted to be an orchestra
January 12, 2025
Forgive me, I should have sent this last week but I was lurking in the interregnum, still stuck in the lovely liminality between Christmas and New Year. It’s...
A garden square gentles the pace of the city
December 1, 2024
Hello, Almost at the turn of the year. Then back the other way. Then off we go again. Remember Camus: ‘In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within...
Being rescued by the French
November 3, 2024
Apparently Hilary Mantel said that a writer should aim to make the reader feel “acknowledged, and yet estranged”. So, hello, and yet, WFT? Some things: I’m...
Uncomfortable and not numb
October 6, 2024
hello, I should start with an apology. Earlier this week I was supposed to do an online talk but I cancelled it at the last minute because of ‘illness’. The...
Sometimes just the sky
September 8, 2024
hello, September! The best month. I hope it’s going well so far. Sorry, theoretically, I should have sent this last week but theory only works in theory....
Trees for dancing
August 4, 2024
hello, Mostly joyful. Joy in clothes. “The underground master of big fits”. This is lovely. Scroll down and look at these clothes!Trees for dancing in....
Could only fall asleep if she had her tiny bottle of radium next to her bed
July 7, 2024
hello, The first of these newsletters under Labour. Things can only get better. We’ve just got back from a bougie bit of inter-railing around Europe. We...
June 2, 2024
hello, hello, like and unsubscribe Interesting happened! I think it was good. Huge thanks for coming. We’ll do it again next year. Watch this space. All five...
Slack elastic
May 5, 2024
hello, Not long now to Interesting. There are still some tickets left. Come on, it’ll be a lovely evening. Honest. (And don’t forget. You’d be mad not to...
A fat quince on the dashboard of his Triumph Herald
April 7, 2024
hello, Have you got your Interesting ticket yet? If you're going to get one, please get it now, it'll make me less anxious. If you need some persuading ask...
A therapeutic alliance
March 3, 2024
How do you do? Here, at least, for 40 days and 40 nights, a hard rain has been falling. But now, there's a small spot of sunlight on the wall opposite me, so...
People slashed in specific patterns
February 4, 2024
Greetings, Full marks everyone, January is in the rearview mirror. Nothing but blue skies from now on. But before we move on, go back and read Anne's advent...
January 7, 2024
Greetings, New Year, new sletter. I am especially motivated by the fact that Jan 1 fell on a Monday this year. New beginnings! I love all that stuff. I am...
Love is the opening door
December 3, 2023
Good evening, Hope you're well. Our family has been ending the day with an episode of the Little House on the Prairie. If Netflix were going to do a...
Top collector
November 5, 2023
hello, We've had the ado. I can do no better than copy Ben's own introduction: "Ghostwriter and critic Ben Thompson presents a DFS Algonquin Table for the...
Guitar = sourdough
October 1, 2023
hello, Some of you bought my book. Possibly all of you. You're very kind. Thank you. It's the first of October, so I'm writing this in the midst of my first...
Powered by human tears
September 3, 2023
hello, Big news - you only have a few days left to pre-order my book. After 7 September you'll just have to order it. Book promotion norms have fallen apart...
Conglomerate and vivid
August 6, 2023
Unsubscribe. Not so much a programme, more a way of life. How do you do? I think I missed last month. Sorry. Lots going on. Lots going on this month too but...
Too useful and mundane
June 4, 2023
Unsubscribe. It's the right thing to do. How do you do? I have been extensively holidaying the last couple of weeks. Sitting on trains, in squares and by...
Get mixed with Bartleby the Scrivener
May 7, 2023
Unsubscribe supertunica How do you do? Let's crack on. (1) Two of my favourite writers on status, fashion, culture and aesthetics. Very good. (2) The writer...
Dangling in the smallest room
April 2, 2023
Unsubscribe AF How do you do? I finished writing the Do Interesting book yesterday. For some definition of finished. So I'm a little written-out and this...
Land yachting
March 5, 2023
Unsubscribe AF. How do you do? (Just so you know, there's a mention of suicide in one of the quotes below) I'm meant to be writing a book. And I'm due to...
Happy Septuagesima
February 5, 2023
Unsubscribe now. It's like spring cleaning for your mind. How do you do? (1) This is Stanley Fish writing about Annie Dillard writing about writing: "In her...
Spending my winter on the moon
December 4, 2022
Unsubscribe. There's no time. hello, I love a good format and this time of year is brimming with them. There's Tom Whitwell's brilliant 52 Things I Learned....
Everyone declined
November 6, 2022
Unsubscribe. You know you want to. hello Suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, I remembered that one of the things I find most fun in life is just sharing stuff,...
Honest, helpful, kind
October 2, 2022
Unsubscribe. You know you want to. hello Suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, I remembered that one of the things I find most fun in life is just sharing stuff,...
Immaculate vibes
September 11, 2022
100% unsubscribe Many of us grieving for someone today. Sympathies. I proclaim 5 things Thank you to everyone who came to Interesting. I think it went OK....
Mount Cadillac's beautiful pink granite
August 7, 2022
Unsubscribe before it's too late Hello hello 5 things I'm thinking a lot at the moment about family, friends and colleagues. About the joy of having them and...
Team Draped all day
July 3, 2022
Unsubscribe you fools Hello hello Lots of books in this one. Think of it as a Summer Reading Special. 5 things Watching Wimbledon reminded me of this bit...
a bird stands for something
June 5, 2022
UNSUBSCRIBE because this one meanders hello, June. Jubilee. Weather/times like this always make me think of these lines from Forty Years On: MOGGIE: Then in...
The whole pie with jam in
May 2, 2022
hello hello, 5 Things I have a minor hobby replying to climate skeptics in the letters page of our local paper. I'm trying to work out the best language to...
too much about HR at lunch
April 3, 2022
hello again, I didn't write last month because Putin had just invaded Ukraine and paying attention to this sort of stuff seemed wrong. A month later, and...
The padding trade
February 6, 2022
hello, I have a big pile of unread New Yorkers above my desk. I like to go out first thing in the morning for coffee and to read one. But my eyesight can...
Stay tuned for fashion goals
January 2, 2022
Hello It’s 2022. Every year now sounds like a futurist from the 80s trying to pick a year that’s not 2000 or 2050. I read a lot about archetypal plots when I...
Because the soup is getting cold
December 12, 2021
hello, It just occurred to me. This is supposed to happen the first Sunday of the month isn’t it? Ah well. Sorry. World turned upside down. The times, they...
Pocket cakes
November 14, 2021
hello, Sorry about missing you all last month. Interesting times! With some ado, here are 5 things: I received more than one piece of enthusiastic feedback...
Dogs are barking but the train keeps moving
September 5, 2021
hello, Dogs are barking etc is one of those phrases that rattles around my head. It appears to have Arab origins (except as ‘..the caravan moves on’) but has...
Can you see my screen?
August 1, 2021
5 things: Listen to this fantastic, tiny! radio feature about “Parson’s Pleasure, a male-only nude bathing place on the outskirts of Oxford.” Sexuality,...
Far from the Google Cloud
July 4, 2021
hello, I’m writing this on the first day of holiday. I’m obviously not really that far from the Google Cloud I just thought it was a good line. If anything...
This meeting has been ended by host
June 6, 2021
hello, I was tempted to send this late, just so I could invoke this: Katie Henry @KT_NREI have never in my life identified more with a piece of writing than...
Skip intro
May 2, 2021
hello, A paper in Nature (‘People systematically overlook subtractive changes’) reports on experiments which show how people find it more obvious to solve...
This content doesn't seem to be working
April 4, 2021
hello, I am aware that Substack has become problematic. The technical team is looking into migration options. 5 things: The best quiz question I’ve heard in...
How's your interregnum?
March 7, 2021
hello, Unsubscribe. You don't have time for this. 5 Things: Carol Kay is a legendary bassist. She played on every good record. This tiny moment of instagram...
Skip ads
February 7, 2021
The shortest month. I’ll keep this brief. Postlight shared Pleasant Internet Things. What a good idea. Not least because happiness is contagious. Here are...
Your primary tab is empty
January 3, 2021
Happy New Year everyone, here we go again. 5 things: If you have a resolution that involves less doomscrolling can I recommend Favejet? It’s the best way to...
No idea
December 6, 2020
Hello, I’ve recently read advice that says the first thing you should do with these things is remind people who are you and why they subscribed to your...
Running and shouting with a large group of people
November 8, 2020
hello, Technically this is late. Should have happened last Sunday. But, something (laziness) stopped me doing it. This Sunday is different. This is a...
Exploding old toilets
October 4, 2020
Here in the UK it felt like Autumn arrived very suddenly. There was an extra bonus day of lovely warm September and then grim rain arrived and hasn’t gone...
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