Hello from a very sunny morning in Coventry.
I think there are three things in my life in which I have reached a much-more-than-average level of skill: tennis, dancing and baking bread. At least, these are three activities that I chose to pursue directly, unlike editing text that is a big part of my proper job that I kind of fell into and that I guess I am now very good at.
But of these three things — I was a champion junior tennis player and a professional dancer (technically I still am, although very middle-aged) — it’s fermenting sourdough bread that has sneaked up on me the most. I started making bread out of frustration with the loaves I was able to buy here in the UK and then, very gradually, my skill and curiosity increased.
Fermenting sourdough is both a craft and a science. You can certainly get pretty heady with it: the calculations of hydration, quantities, scaling, and keeping spreadsheets of temperatures and results, etc. There’s quite a big part of my brain that is drawn to the science and technical aspects of fermenting sourdough.