Hi-Q: another
January 1, 2022
a fresh start on the same old every day is the start of a new year Recommendation write something, and maybe share it Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: freshly...
Hi-Q: resolutions
December 31, 2021
another trip around the sun sequel or original concept? Recommendation write a haiku for 2022 Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: another page 2019: fireworks
Hi-Q: head in heart
December 30, 2021
redacting fortunes from pulped tea leaves Recommendation vegetable singapore-style mei fun noodles Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: $400 flowbee 2019: spotting fires
Hi-Q: santa probable cause
December 29, 2021
fireworks of firepower black powder bedtime nursery rhyme Recommendation think about what you want 2022 to look like Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: stop 2019:...
Hi-Q: cow tools
December 28, 2021
cow tools Recommendation take a visit to dogtown Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: impatient moon 2019: 27-9
Hi-Q: sluggy santa
December 27, 2021
hot air filling and following slug trail Recommendation a poem about voices, but not the kind you expect Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: teaspoon 2019: chili chili fire
Hi-Q: frozen // runoff
December 26, 2021
reactor runoff returns causing localized weather events Recommendation if you go into the woods you will find it has a technology (i'm not even going to try...
Hi-Q: the paper / the light
December 25, 2021
the long night ends in an explosion of color and confetti Recommendation favor johnson (audio file) Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: paper torn 2019: holiday
Hi-Q: anticipation
December 24, 2021
oh ‘twas the night… Recommendation poetry foundation put together a collection of christmas poems, if that’s something you might be interested in Hi-Q Time...
Hi-Q: how to haiku
December 23, 2021
the secret recipe leaked —- Recommendation jingle jangle —- Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: ur engine 2019: beaded
Hi-Q: poodle-headed trees
December 22, 2021
the fog a stereotype of a curtain the trees a bad haircut —- Recommendation christmas lima beans Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: longest night 2019: shrouded sun
Hi-Q: solstice
December 21, 2021
the cycle begins anew brighter days ahead Recommendation these poems by danez smith (or any poems by danez smith) Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: winintererrr 2019:...
Hi-Q: anti-[ ]-biotic
December 20, 2021
scrip for the pharma company store syringe binge Recommendation the rhythm achieved through repitition in this poem is mesmerizing highly recommend listening...
Hi-Q: anti-[ ]-biotic
December 20, 2021
scrip for the pharma company store syringe binge Recommendation the rhythm achieved through repitition in this poem is mesmerizing highly recommend listening...
Hi-Q: hands like gasoline
December 19, 2021
stone sheen smells of ancient sun and fossilized rot Recommendation i added this poem to my “to recommend” list before i was even halfway through the...
Hi-Q: too early
December 18, 2021
screening the fog caught rain drops Recommendation bluey Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: sunset / harp 2019: fresh ground
Hi-Q: itch's house
December 17, 2021
the sweater sheds as you fold it in a little bit Recommendation schitt's creek Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: yeh you 2019: morning fog
Hi-Q: ya pax
December 16, 2021
your breath tastes too sour leisurely muffin pickles smokers paradise Recommendation the “caption” haiku was written by a friend after i shared the in-...
Hi-Q: stopped train
December 15, 2021
red light: boxcar green light: boxcar train unmoved by suggestion Recommendation this poem by hanif abdurraqib. really anything by hanif abdurraqib Hi-Q Time...
Hi-Q: clickclick
December 14, 2021
tapatapatapatapatypewriter 2.0 time tessellation Recommendation this poem that i probably like because it reminds me of a project-in-progress* *intrigue!...
Hi-Q: viral roulette
December 13, 2021
waiting for the birds to return hyphens Recommendation know anything about anti-poetry? i'm interested in learning more Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: styrofoam...
Hi-Q: diesel fumes
December 12, 2021
clouds of fumes and thunder crossing Recommendation i’m quite taken with the essay excerpt at the beginning of this post to be honest, i haven’t read the...
Hi-Q: organ donor
December 11, 2021
metallic bones instrumental exoskeleton ecstatic drone machine Recommendation the 10 contradictory traits of creative people Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: crust...
Hi-Q: sparetime
December 10, 2021
what can you spare? what can you break? currency of time Recommendation these whimsical comics / illustrations Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: firecracker 2019: low...
Hi-Q: elevator horizon
December 9, 2021
the horizon arrives with the rising sun Recommendation this wonderful, satirical academic paper Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: pink elephant clouds 2019:...
Hi-Q: floral caution
December 8, 2021
the marker marked the message expanded Recommendation today’s poem-a-day has a great “about” portion, especially the end: I think what every great poem has...
Hi-Q: muted
December 7, 2021
the sky the leaves washed of vibrance Recommendation free write put pencil to paper and just go stream of consciousness tune in to the frequency broadcast...
Hi-Q: the wall
December 6, 2021
backup cam colorblocked slow roll Recommendation except harold Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: blush buddha head 2019: crow mosey
Hi-Q: like / as
December 5, 2021
an over-reliance on literary device Recommendation finally, the security tool we deserve Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: mother of pearl! 2019: song of days
Hi-Q: chunked
December 4, 2021
hanging briefly in the sky before setting like a harvest sun pumpkin Recommendation i take hearing for granted so this poem-essay was an eye-opener and...
Hi-Q: spotty
December 3, 2021
an ode to zoom fatigue Recommendation this poem from the amazingly named book corpse whale Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: high noon sunrise 2019: hope / memory
Hi-Q: staining
December 2, 2021
beet root sunset stained glass sky Recommendation this poem by shane mccrae Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: immigrant maple 2019: leaves fall
Hi-Q: better not
December 1, 2021
consensual stabbing dead culture cocktail. $5 off Recommendation hot tea with honey Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: lava lamp clouds 2019: thrashing
Hi-Q: into the sun
November 30, 2021
tis the season when an unexpected turn steers you into the heat death of the universe Recommendation this poem that feels like a list of haiku topics Hi-Q...
Hi-Q: a majority
November 29, 2021
almost more noticeable in their absence acorns Recommendation a poem about autumn by alexander posey Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: coffee steam 2019: harvesting...
Hi-Q: wire wound
November 28, 2021
tuning in to the transmissions six string seance Recommendation the pome newsletter by matthew ogle Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: thunder engines 2019: our thanks
Hi-Q: thick fallen
November 27, 2021
like a carpet worn as the cliche but it works Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: fly in the sugar 2019: quotidian doom
Hi-Q: circling occasionally
November 26, 2021
raptor draws arcs across the windowpane —- Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: laughter 2019: bonfire
Hi-Q: much much pass
November 25, 2021
a day to gather and give thanks in stretchy pants —- Recommendation gratitude —- Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: squirrel, twisted 2019: blending spices
Hi-Q: tree lots
November 24, 2021
it’s beginning to look a lot like air fresheners took over the used car lot —- i always find it funny how seemingly every abandoned parcel becomes a firework...
Hi-Q: 4Cx2
November 23, 2021
pink clouds dance through the blazing swan song the golden hour lighting and light show have been perfect these past few days Recommendation the neuroscience...
Hi-Q: blooming
November 22, 2021
night bloom moon on a branch lost in translation translation translation translation feed a haiku through google translate repeatedly to find a new haiku...
Hi-Q: crow
November 21, 2021
out for a stroll the neighborhood crows Recommendation rearrange a room and / or clean something Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: whoosh 2019: the hunter
Hi-Q: golden
November 20, 2021
the moment dripping with alchemy’s obsession Recommendation a true love of trees Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: bay 2019: acorn
Hi-Q: downpour
November 19, 2021
microburst of swirling leaves november afternoon Recommendation this podcast episode on the making of john prine's self-titled debut album Hi-Q Time Machine...
Hi-Q: no new poem
November 18, 2021
nature does not bow to the muse but carries on its merry way Recommendation this twitter thread on what paying for art actually means and on generally...
Hi-Q: fever dream
November 17, 2021
the rope knotted & tugging & the pull of sleep Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: rusty tracks 2019: golden wisps
Hi-Q: the cloud
November 16, 2021
setting sun storm Hi-Q Time Machine 2020: possibility 2019: neil young
Hi-Q: some limbs
November 15, 2021
the clock ticks over the leaves change down the tracks time cycles Recommendation LaserWriter II. the book, not the printer. go for the printer too if you...
Hi-Q: raised bed
November 14, 2021
compost bin elevated above the downspout sprouts a sapling *from the rejection collection Recommendation changing is not vanishing Hi-Q Time Machine 2020:...
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