vaguesteph newsletter
vaguesteph newsletter: abstract comic
December 13, 2024
"abstract comic", a comic essay collaboration between Fidelia Schlegl and Helen Stefanie
vaguesteph newsletter: comeback kid
March 6, 2023
vaguesteph newsletter has been renewed for season 2????!!! a new comic after three years!
vaguesteph newsletter: collectively made up as a clown (egirl style)
January 7, 2020
„opacity“ happy new year! :~) i’m wishing everyone strength and joy for 2020. here’s some things i’ve read recently: + On Hating Men (And Becoming One...
vaguesteph newsletter: [eyes emoji]
November 22, 2019
"embarrassment as theme" text here is from film and the masquerade: theorising the female spectator by mary ann doane (1982). (pdf of this is easily google-...
vaguesteph newsletter: update
September 29, 2019
"29-09-19" hi everyone! thanks for tuning in! i've been working on [untitled thesis project], and unsuprisingly it's hard to make good "diary" type comics...
vaguesteph newsletter: haunted
August 25, 2019
"25-08-19" one page comic again. :~) some things i read this week: a review of "preliminary materials for a theory of the young-girl" written when the...
vaguesteph newsletter: staring directly at the thing
August 18, 2019
"18-08-19" here's another one page comic with color pencil! i've been busy all week drawing the (preliminary version to a) first chapter of my thesis project...
vaguesteph newsletter: smooth and cleansing
August 13, 2019
“11-08-19” dedicated to my friend who bought a new bike! have a good week, i’ll be back soon. :~ ) *if you want to talk to me or comment on anything, reply...
vaguesteph newsletter: opacity/ permeability
August 4, 2019
“opacity” hi! thanks for reading! the good thing about this being a newsletter “in which i just decide to do whatever i want” is that i’m allowing myself to...
vaguesteph newsletter: expanded universe
July 28, 2019
“continuity” the screenshotted text in this is Are White Girls Capable of Making Art That’s Not About themselves?? from the white pube!! it is a great read...
vaguesteph newsletter: contouring tutorial
July 21, 2019
"contouring tutorial (???) for bot girls" hi! sending this out to you after a stressful week of preparing for an event/ exhibition and then being at the...
vaguesteph newsletter: expressing dissatisfaction
July 8, 2019
“09-06-19” hi! it’s monday night again instead of sunday night. i spent yesterday resting. it’s good to have structure but it’s okay to break a structure!...
vaguesteph newsletter: playacting as a human
June 30, 2019
"doll's life" she's drinking a foamy coffee drink with her rival and pretending to know things... and i'm here attempting to make a comic that isn't just...
vaguesteph newsletter: face filters
June 24, 2019
“call to action/ HELVETICA BOLD OBLIQUE” Here’s all the texts cited in this: - Vision and difference: Feminity, Feminism, and Histories of Art, Griselda...
vaguesteph newsletter: fictional haircut
June 16, 2019
“15-06-19” i think this kind of fictional haircut is a better choice for the masc version of the protagonist that also appeared a few comics before. they...
vaguesteph newsletter: crunchy.jpg
June 9, 2019
a lot happening the past few days, so here’s something a little bit more “diary comics/ poetry comics”-fare. *please picture a strawberry cake emoji here*...
vaguesteph newsletter: mechanics of memory
June 2, 2019
ok, one last word re: psychoanalysis, i saw a picture of a pink top bedazzled with the words “Lacanian Bitch” on instagram last week and it made me laugh....
vaguesteph newsletter: reading those texts
May 26, 2019
"visual pleasure and juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence" i read laura mulvey's "visual pleasure and narrative cinema" recently-...
vaguesteph newsletter: certain things crossed out
May 19, 2019
hi! as promised, here is the text of a performance i gave a few weeks ago, reconfigured into hypertext. some details: viewers were seated in a dark room and...
vaguesteph newsletter: maid costume
May 14, 2019
"25-04-19" i guess this is the way everything goes with newsletters/ blogging: some things end up coming in the way and then you have to make a spectacle out...
vaguesteph newsletter: 2 modes of transportation
April 7, 2019
“real diary hours only” the figure’s face up there was supposed to look a bit more warped… the flat colors made it look too normal, or like one eye is...
vaguesteph newsletter: spring feelings
April 1, 2019
"EEEEE" hi! sorry! last week was a long week so now we are here, on monday, with a letter from me. i would like to do more observational drawing but i am...
vaguesteph newsletter: birds smiley face sky
March 22, 2019
“3 sequences” i’ve been thinking a lot about this conversation in the new inquiry on alt lit and how abuse/ grooming was always part of and deeply worked...
vaguesteph newsletter: a day in the life
March 15, 2019
“egirl is just another word for jeune-fille“ nothing to say today- have a good weekend! :_) *if you want to talk to me or comment on anything, reply to this...
vaguesteph newsletter: real fur scrunchie
March 10, 2019
"real fur scrunchie" i'm working on a new longer comic, so i've been thinking a lot about the malleability of drawings of young beautiful women. the...
vaguesteph newsletter: the window i stare at from across the street
March 1, 2019
“29-01-18” it’s the first regular format comic for this space! i wrote the script ten days after returning home from a six month stay in the US, but it took...
vaguesteph newsletter #0
February 18, 2019
hi! welcome to my newsletter, aka. "vaguesteph sends you comics". "an image of me/ face reveal" this is my first newsletter. i'll be sending you these about...