On the Books by Margot Atwell
Shoals: collaboration in publishing
August 20, 2023
I've always loved the image of the shoal: many small fish swimming together, emulating a bigger fish to deter prey. I imagine it's companionable, insofar as...
How to look at book sales reporting
August 11, 2023
I've been noticing something about how outlets report publishing sales levels that troubles me. The most frequent way a media outlet or publisher will...
Why I *Left* Subst@ck
July 6, 2023
Watching everyone launch Substack newsletters over the past months as the ground under Twitter has shifted due to Elon Musk's takeover and summary...
What to Watch in Book Publishing in 2023
January 29, 2023
I was asked to give a talk at Digital Book World this month, and had a lot more latitude about what to discuss than I normally have when I’m asked to speak,...
Playing Monopoly in Book Publishing
November 11, 2022
The news broke
Feminist publishing and saying goodbye to B*tch
June 13, 2022
This email is about what it takes to sustain independent presses and media. It's about what it means to sustain an independent feminist organization that...
Scarcity, ownership, and the inexorable rise of NFTs
April 9, 2022
In 2021, I didn't care about NFTs. As the year went on, it felt harder and harder to avoid learning what they were, or forming some sort of opinion on them....
Why writers need an email list, not just social media
April 3, 2022
This week, Jenny Bhat tweeted about a NYT piece that was making the rounds, "Food Businesses Lose Faith in Instagram after Algorithm Changes." She pulled out...
How to fund a book on Kickstarter if you AREN'T Brandon Sanderson
March 20, 2022
*You might notice this newsletter is on a new platform, Buttondown. For more info, scroll to the end.* In case you missed it, prolific bestselling fantasy...
What Brandon Sanderson's $14M+ Kickstarter Project Means
March 2, 2022
If you’re on writing or publishing Twitter, you probably saw news of Brandon Sanderson’s astoundingly successful Kickstarter project, which launched at 11 AM...
A new chapter
February 25, 2022
With a book, it’s clear where it begins and ends. You open the cover and begin reading with an Introduction, or Once upon a time, which is just a different...
Boycott Amazon for May Day
May 1, 2020
Today is May Day, a date with a long history in the labor movement. As COVID-19 has revealed even more than usual the deep inequality and injustice that...
Ch. 11: Bad Publishing Experiments
October 7, 2019
Recently HarperCollins UK announced that it will be making some of its backlist titles available via Kindle Unlimited. “The publisher confirmed that as of...
Ch. 10: Money tips for authors
September 17, 2019
An essay is making the rounds on publishing twitter right now that talks about how an author found herself completely up a creek, financially, after being...
Ch. 9: Self-publishing costs
September 9, 2019
I recently published a very transparent look at the costs and financial realities of self-publishing my book, Derby Life, after running a successful...
Lunchtime Links 8.9.19
August 9, 2019
James Daunt of Waterstones (and the new CEO of Barnes & Noble) announced “a company-wide 4% bonus for Waterstones employees, following a "pretty good"...
Ch. 8: Career paths in publishing
July 28, 2019
Last month, I was pleased to be invited to give a talk at the New School Publishing Institute, a weeklong introduction to the publishing industry led by John...
Boycott Amazon for Prime Day
July 12, 2019
“Prime Day” is a “holiday” made up by Amazon to juice their bottom line by encouraging shoppers to lock themselves into the Amazon ecosystem by paying $119 a...
Lunchtime Links, 6.21.19
June 21, 2019
I read a lot online about publishing, journalism, money, etc., and thought you might be interested in some of what I’m reading. If you’re not interested,...
Ch. 7: What does it cost to enter publishing?
June 16, 2019
Around this time of year, I start hearing from recent graduates hoping to get into the publishing business. While I enjoy meeting with them and am inspired...
Ch. 6: Tariff troubles
June 5, 2019
President Trump’s recent announcement that he wants to dramatically hike tariffs (fro 10% to 25%) on a huge range of consumer goods and materials shipped...
Ch. 5: The Best Publishing Events
May 28, 2019
Over the past few weeks, as I’ve wrapped up The Next Page and prepared for Book Expo America this week, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what makes a...
Ch 4: Bad News for Booksellers
May 5, 2019
Baker & Taylor, one of the two major book wholesalers in the US, just announced that they are exiting the retail wholesale business. I believe this is bad...
The Next Page
April 25, 2019
Publishing has an innovation problem. Well, publishing has a lot of problems, and innovation is one of them. I have spent the last five years deep-diving...
Ch. 3: Run a Website? Create a Print Legacy
April 16, 2019
I was absolutely crushed to hear that another bright light of the digital age, The Establishment, is ending their run. Their farewell letter, like everything...
Ch 2: Pondering public funding
March 17, 2019
Hello friends! I spent last week at the London Book Fair, being on the ground just long enough to be completely confused about what time zone I was for my...
Ch. 1: Amazon and Gratitude
February 16, 2019
Last year, I went to a publishing event that was sponsored by Amazon Literary Partnership, which gives out around $1M annually to literary organizations. I...
On the Books: Preface
February 16, 2019
Publishing has a problem. It’s a money problem. Most people think the problem is that there isn’t any money in publishing. And that’s not wholly wrong. But I...