Postcard 026 - Fighting Off Naps
I have not been sleeping well.
It's probably a mix of things, but I'll blame the overactive brain and my definitely-later-than-noon coffees that have crept into life lately. I knew September and October would be busy months, and felt like I had done a good job of mentally preparing for it, but what I was not ready for was the cognitive exhaustion from the work itself on top of the physical exhaustion of my training for the Tour de Cure.
The last few weeks, I've been working and exercising more. Unfortunately the hours in a day are finite, which means that whether I like it or not, sleep is probably the thing that's losing out. I've never slept a ton, but I know that I'm not sleeping enough right now.
More and more often, I find myself fighting off naps sometime in the late afternoon/early evening. I've realized that fighting is a bad strategy for two reasons — on the one hand, the work suffers, and on the other, I typically lose, just at a later time (which means I'm not tired for bed... and the cycle continues).
What I've tried the last two days is taking naps here, on the couch, in full light. While it means I'm often a little slower to fall asleep, I'm much happier to wake up compared to the darker, cooler bedroom option I was opting for before.
If you have good afternoon nap strategies that aren't drink less coffee (I'm working on it), I'd love to hear them.