Postcard 013 - Blur
"How are we already in August?"
I've probably asked that question a dozen times over the last few days, slowly coming to grips with where we are in the calendar year. I've been thinking a lot about the difference between kairos and chronos (or event time and chronological time) and the different seasons in my life when I've been more or less aware of each.
This summer has been one driven by kairos — following my mood, the weather, or the gravitational pull of people around me. As we're heading into fall and the number of things I'm responsible for is on an upswing, I'm feeling more drawn to chronos. But I realize that this feeling is motivated by control and the idea that if I schedule little blocks of time to do activities, I somehow have control over the length of time they will actually take. I know this is foolish, so I'm trying to simultaneously recognize that pull and embrace the blur of one activity into another.
In preparation for the chaos of the fall, I revisited a piece I wrote about energy surfing. It was a helpful reminder for me, and if some of this resonates, perhaps it will be helpful for you too.