walk with me? or, don't??
Welcome to the Sunday post.
The third FRONT SEAT OFFICE HOUR is coming up on Friday, August 25th, at 11am Pacific. Paid subscribers are invited to RSVP for a one-hour Zoom session. The first 10 minutes or so will be a tiny intro and if there are q’s there will be attempts at a’s. Then we’ll co-work, camera off or on, for the remaining time. It’s been a pleasure hosting people who have writing or other creative work to do—it’s a front seat offering low pressure accountability and focus. Hope to see you there.
To become a paid subscriber, you have the option of paying $7 a month or $70 a year. Subscriptions signal that you support the writing you find here—essays, mini-interviews with artists, fragments, and more. Subscriptions also fund the work of the upcoming EXIT INTERVIEWS. I pay writers! Submissions are currently closed but will open up again in the fall. Thanks for riding along.