Translation Layer
[Translation Layer] A Brief Message about Technical Debt
March 14, 2022
Hello! My apologies for a brief quasi-commercial interruption about Technical Debt. Over the course of my career, Technical Debt and I have become old...
[Translation Layer] Volume 1, Issue #2
February 16, 2021
Translation Layer #2 - Liminal WELCOME BACK to Translation Layer. It's been a few months: low-frequency, as advertised. If you're a returning reader, accept...
[Translation Layer] Volume 1, Issue #1 (reprint)
October 21, 2020
Hi! If you're receiving this, it's because you subscribed between today and when the previous issue of Translation Layer was published. Enjoy! The Task of...
[Translation Layer] Volume 1, Issue #1
October 16, 2020
The Task of This Translator WELCOME to Translation Layer. Please accept my sincere thanks on becoming a founding subscriber. I'm grateful for your...