Consider a broader version of the Wikipedia definition of "space," sampled above, and one observes that space has been a recurring topic of 2016. We have seen space as the circumscription of sacrosanct values, as in "build a wall" and the transgender restroom dispute; and, in the Brexit debacle, we have seen space as a metaphor, a virtual field onto which was projected the complexes and insecurities of a nation in disarray. The definition and delimitation of spaces are perpetually contested—at the University of Chicago, "safe space" is portrayed simultaneously as sanctuary and transgression.
Space is both mutually shared and individually inhabited. Space exists in that we think, move, and act in it, yet it also does not exist in that it is in constant fluctuation relative to the myriad perspectives that create, re-write, contravene, dissolve, and invert it. Come discuss space, from the personal to the universal, in a special edition of Mondays at the 18th floor bar of Wyndham Gardens Chinatown.
Until next time.