Subject Matter by Toby Shorin
Moral Ecosystems: My Big Idea
March 12, 2024
It’s said that thinkers are either foxes and hedgehogs. The fox knows many things, and the hedgehog knows one big thing. Ever since I heard about this I’ve...
Reflections on 2023
December 30, 2023
Dream Season It is dream season at Toby's Door—December—my favorite. In the cold and the still, everything becomes clearer and more perceptible. The blue...
Subject Matter #20: American Psychology
October 13, 2023
Hi everyone, it's Toby, back with your favorite blog "Subpixel Space." I've got a new post for you, which is mostly a bunch of questions about psychology...
Reflections on 2021
December 31, 2021
Seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons, seasons. You laugh when you cry. You become another person. You think you could die...
Subject Matter 19: Beings in Network Space
August 21, 2020
This morning I woke to some kind of flute music lifting into my window from inside the alley. The notes played were in a major scale, between each simple...
Subject Matter 18: 2020 Spring Update
June 11, 2020
Approaching the solstice, filled with radiant energy and stretching my hand toward the warmth of the ever-giving sun... I've been working on a new tool with...
Subject Matter 17: Premonition
March 30, 2020
New Essay (Collab) These days, we are taking no time off from the business of surviving. But we are not only nesting, caring, late-wintering, burrowing,...
Subject Matter 16: 2020 Winter Update
February 17, 2020
Hello and a belated happy new year. Contents: 1. Business Update 2. New Writing 3. Other After I left last year, I worked on a bunch of different...
Subject Matter 15: 3 Cuts on Brands
December 16, 2019
Over the weekend, I put together a short video walkthrough of 3 ways that I currently think about brands: as consensus systems, as sites of conflict, and as...
Subject Matter 14: Other Internet, Online Education
October 16, 2019
A small update from Subpixel Space and Other Internet. We're currently exploring alternative education at Other Internet, our research and strategy...
Subject Matter 13: Everything Must Change
July 10, 2019
Update: Residency, New Essay, New Feelings Greetings from Berlin, where I'll be for the rest of the summer. I'm lucky to be here among friends and meeting...
Reflections on 2018
January 4, 2019
In the days leading up to the new year, I saw a lot of myth, religion, and spirituality on the twitter timeline. It seems that for you, like me, myth is on...
Subject Matter 12: Diminishing Marginal Aesthetic Value
September 18, 2018
A small update: I published a new report on Friday, which discusses how zero marginal cost distribution poses a challenge to the value of aesthetic...
Subject Matter 11: Post-Everything, Pre-Everything Else
August 14, 2018
The first half of 2018 has been full of interesting developments, and deserves commemorations. We published two essays, did a talk, worked on some soon-to-...
Reflections on 2017
January 6, 2018
The overstimulated state I’ve been experiencing lately is hard to describe in regular emotional terminology. The ones that come to mind feel weird and...
Subject Matter 10: Cults, Meaning, and Travel Log
November 20, 2017
I spent October traveling in Hong Kong, much of this time with @diversifiedbonds. We encountered a whole host of fascinating places, brilliant people, and...
Toby waxes about critique, reviews Toro Y Moi's new album
July 15, 2017
Lately the critique seems to have fallen out of favor. Then again, criticality has never been popular to begin with—someone is always on its receiving end....
Subject Matter 9: Cybernetics & Magic
May 9, 2017
Contents: the next Mondays event and a brief written exploration. Mondays: The Glass Bead Game, May 15, 2017, 6:30pm EST In which a dialectic game will be...
Subject Matter 8: On Wearing Black
February 10, 2017
On Wearing Black Sarah Perry’s recent essay, Tendrils of Messes in our Brains, explores the human perception of mess. Mess emerges from the juxtaposition of...
Subject Matter 7: Twilit Cities
January 9, 2017
Collection: Twilit Cities We are happy to present a curated collection of gifs to satisfy your brooding cyberpunk needs. These gifs were sourced from across...
Subpixel Space Reflects on 2016
January 1, 2017
Happy New Year to friends and followers. This message will detail a brief roundup of notable events that happened in and around Subpixel Space in 2016, and...
Subject Matter 6: Thought-Action Loops
October 2, 2016
I returned from post-lecture drinks to my apartment on Thursday and immediately saw the pair of pants I had draped over a chair to dry (Thursday was laundry...
Subject Matter from Subpixel Space: 5
September 25, 2016
.. Consider a broader version of the Wikipedia definition of "space," sampled above, and one observes that space has been a recurring topic of 2016. We have...
Subject Matter 4
September 18, 2016
Subject Matter Network Alec Seymour's first solo show Proper Care of the Peace Lily, a work of his own singular auteurship, is going up in a week and a half....
September 11, 2016
An event on Monday, September 12th in NYC is announced in this email. .. If you live New York City, you may have seen this poster in the subway: A curious...
A Topology of 201X Aesthetics
August 28, 2016
An event on Monday, August 29th in NYC is announced at the bottom of this email. Starting with Malte Muller's website electricgecko, this year I began to...
Subject Matter from Subpixel Space
August 16, 2016
Subject Matter is a new and experimental "side project" of Subpixel Space. My information intake greatly outpaces my writing output, and I've been seeking a...