things, week 40, 2024

↑ Mississippi River Elevation Study by Tim Wallace
I finished reading Moonbound by Robin Sloan this week. I know I’m late to the party, but it's really fantastic, highly recommend. And if you need more motivation to pick up the book, parts of the cover glow in the dark!
I mentioned the idea of working with the garage door up to colleagues recently and forgot where I heard it. Turns out it was ... Robin Sloan: ‘Our “work”, in an important sense, is to get into each other’s heads; to blast out cosmic rays that might give rise, in other minds, to new ideas.’
Each year I buy a Halloween themed book in the beginning of October. I leave the book around the house and act surprised about where it came from. Some Halloween spirit must have visited and left it!? Of course my kids are on to me, but they humor me and the tradition. This year's book is How to Make Friends with a Ghost by Rebecca Green and it's really awesome. Previous Halloween spirit deliveries were: There's a Ghost in this House and Ghosts in the House!. Both also great.
Speaking of Spooky Season: Here is a MeFi post about spooky short stories. The 31 Days of Halloween newsletter is back! And I also collect a running list of spooky art, podcasts, and articles if you need more spooky content.
Some neat sites to check out:,, and
Some nice things to look at: The Florida House, Tiny Cabins, and somewhere in downtown Worcester.
That is all for now. I hope you and yours are doing well!
~ Guy