RPGADAY2024 31
Game or Gamer you’ll miss.
This is an odd prompt, but I’ll make a case for Golden Heroes.
It’s probably more accurate to say, “The game I miss”. Golden Heroes was I think one of the first games that I bought myself, rather than use second-hand from my brother or friend (AD&D, Gamma World) or got as a gift (Tunnels & Trolls, Traveller), yes it was my hard-earned cash as a teen (birthday money from gran!).
It felt incredibly modern and slick plus it coincided with the massively popular Christopher Reeve Superman franchise. The fact it came with maps and standees was another big bonus and the character creation was creative, and detailed and seemingly produced an endless series of unique super folk.
I’m now in the envious position of young me in taking part in a Golden Heroes game at GrogLaw, a small but perfectly formed face-to-face con in London. We are going to do or die for Queen and Country and somewhere along the road pick up the Holy Grail!
Now whilst nothing new is coming out for Golden Heroes, Simon Burley is still producing the goods and I’ll be checking out Squadron UK in due course.