RPGADAY2024 30
Person you’d like to game with.
I will go with KARTAS (Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff), I don’t mind if it is Ken Hite or Robin Laws, but one of them has to GM.

Having listened to the above podcast for many years, I’m always impressed with the stories from Ken and Robin, either how they’ve improvised an adventure as a GM, or taken an adventure in a weird and unique direction through their play.
Saying that I’m more than happy with the players I have in my games, so often they surprise me or challenge me to think about how I’m running the game, making sure I don’t become complacent.
A great example is a player taking a ritual to split the good and bad personalities and casting it on The King in Yellow and his daughter Camilla, I’ve now got to figure out how a good and bad version of them both operate, but then they are both wholly alien, so who is to say what is good or bad..