RPGADAY2024 28
Let’s embrace technology and say the Virtual TableTop (VTT). Now I could easily say the internet, Skype, or any other tools, but I’ll take it to the extreme.
When I first came back to the hobby in 2015, after a break of 25 years or so, it was made possible by 1. reaching a certain point in life where things had calmed somewhat 2. the release of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition and 3. VTTs, specifically Roll20 and that little thing the internet.
It doesn't seem very interesting now but was pretty magical at the time. I remember mainly a feeling of embarrassment, why was I playing games at my age? But this quickly gave way to something I’d been missing for a long time, a shared hobby and above all something purely creative.
Probably the whole “getting back into TTRPGs” needs a blog entry of its own, but I’ll just put in a nod to FoundryVTT in particular which after our GM dabbled with Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, seems, with an investment of time, to just work for the games I love.
Saying all that, you don’t actually need a VTT, Theatre of the Mind baby!