2024 plans made to fail
So I've been filling in various tabletop roleplaying game 2024 lists...
Number one is planning for a Gumshoe Season of Tabletop Roleplaying Games, we did this in 2023, and it's a lot of fun to line up the GMs and see their ideas fruit and then get all the feedback from players as they take part. My main rule is one GM per season per system. I think this works well, as it gives a variety of games and equal opportunity to established GMs, newbies and designers playtesting ideas.
This year we have Steve Dempsey playtesting the Dark Swords and Sorcery of Da'Zoon, Paul Mitchener the author of Liminal and Out of the Ashes, is taking us on a behind-enemy-lines mission, an assault on the cathedral of St. Cassilda. Carl Clare takes on Ken Hite's 1960s X-Files setting for Moon Dust Men, already very popular. And so many more ( I have my eye on a game of 13th Age based on Heart of Darkness), exciting times, the games go live on Friday 5th January, and more information to follow from this place.
Next in planning is a mini-season for April, Seven Wonders, 7 games in 7 days, all using Cthulhu Dark from Graham Walmsley or an evolution thereof. I've gone for Trophy Dark and my wonder is the Colossus, I'm following the Trophy Dark Incursion format. I'm having fun defining the concentric rings that lead to the player's doom and spending too much time on research into the original Colossus of Rhodes.
A big idea in 2024 is to focus on my writing and in particular finishing off homebrew adventures. The primary one will be Visible Forms, a Belle Epoque Paris Yellow King RPG one-shot. It takes its main protagonist from the excellent Legions of Carcosa bestiary, and from initial playtests (of the first half) it's got some good initial feedback but there is lots to rework, the aim is to have something to run by April.
Other ideas for TTRPGing in 2024 include more Mythic Bastionland, and returning to the Shadow Realm of Baccatis. I'll wait until at least the final PDF is released, so a face-to-face run out at GrogLove (London Con in Feb) may work. I also want to get our Raven Marches community project going again, a West Marches multi-GM, troupe-style game for around 30 players, using Knave 1st edition (possibly 2nd edition rules). Then we have The Heist, a science fiction scenario and life path that I'll work to finish off for Sanction. Wisdom is Better than Gold, a Dee Sanction adventure and, before I forget, Arcimboldo Syndrome using a seed from Robin D. Laws to create an Esoterrorists adventure for my Gumshoe Season (I should probably do this first!).
I have a load more ideas after that, but as the title suggests, they'll collapse, morph and get jiggled around into some new form come January.
Anyway, enough of my plans and follies, what about yours? Join The Raspy Raven and tell me all about them!