Volume 1, Issue 7 | Keeping Time
Much occurred this week. Probably too much. But it was fun and the company was good.
Maybe see you at Glint?
This week:
Glint: Yes, Tuesday, July 30
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like the Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Yes“, which is also what you should respond when we ask you: do you want to be added to the waiting list to tell a story? Or at least come and hear stories?
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday July 31
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Future Weeks:
Moonlight Showcase, Monday August 5
Moonlight members only (for now). This is where Moonlighters show off work from the last lunation and commit to projects for the next lunation. Interested in joining a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon? Reply to this email.
Game Night, Tuesday August 6
Second of many, this game night is being run by our dear friend and Company member Justin Schaffer. He used to design and publish board games, now he just plays them. RSVPs are needed by Sunday, August 4.
Creative Coding Demo Day, Saturday August 10
Demo days are where people casually present creative coding projects at any stage of progress—or just watch people give demos. They are hosted by Norton King and the Denver Generative Art meetup group.
Also coming up: PowerPoint Party No. 17
Do you remember how Justin and us stayed past midnight after the PowerPoint Party, cleaning and watering plants and washing dishes and resetting the room? How we realized we were starving and ordered pizza? How Livvy finally punched out Ricochet Robots while we waited?
The storytelling workshop? How as we practiced our stories we learned so much more about each other?
Justin’s mid-afternoon documentary viewing? How Drew made himself a recliner using River’s bed? How the screening had to relocate to the green room because I was being too disruptive on my work call?
How our dear friend Kirsten from Livvy and my Boston days came by?
That my startup cofounders showed up right when Livvy was starting worknight, and she greeted and then shushed and kicked them out?
How we got an old school time clock for sentimental purposes; and how comically loud and startling it turned out to be? How high we all jumped using it for the first time?
How when I came back there was an editor from the New York Times in the green room, talking to Norton and José? How I was so excited to see her again? How others were lingering, slaughtering Livvy at Ricochet Robots, and she was delighted because it meant she’d found new friends to play it with?
That one infinite day, how so many of us punched in—so many of my worlds meeting? The time clock thumping every minute? How on one of my teams’ breaks from being holed up in the green room we stepped out and every single other person had left to find Malika and Norton eating affogatos?
Our separate shifts at Señor Bear?
How when I got back way later it was just Norton and I? How he updated the website, and Brandi let us turn in our slides for the 30-second pitch so late?
How so many of us were at Creative Mornings? How we met new people and reconnected with others? How the talk was shockingly relevant for two very different reasons?
How we came back and Justin put the Olympics on and Lizzie came over and we all went to lunch at Linger? How Laurel and Stone and Roy and Tanya all popped by?
How we previewed Join or Die with Justin and Malika, and Livvy and I cried? How we talked about clubs, communities, and connections? How we decided that yes, we are definitely hosting a screening?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We got another delivery from the fine folks formerly from Winter Session. We now have double the mirrors and more storage. We’ve also started cleaning the baptistry to prepare it for long-term storage. The shower now has hot water. And! Importantly! (And this is going to be a whole thing!) We now have a time clock. Management kindly requests that you fill out a time sheet and punch in and out any time you come in or leave for the day (no need to clock out during meals or walks or breaks). We promise this is fun and will allow for other fun things in the future.
We applied to host a screening of Gary Hustwit’s latest documentary, Eno, and we’re planning a screening of Join or Die.
We very slightly tweaked the website. Thanks for your service, Garamond.
We pitched The Company and some of our upcoming events at Creative Mornings.
At the Storytelling Workshop we talked about story structure, heard about the Rocky Mountain Storytellers group, and traded feedback.
At Worknight: Livvy set the date and time on the punch clock and punched, Norton fixed an SVG bug, Jacob animated some text, Trevr worked on finishing up a blog post, and Jose stayed awake until 9pm.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, and Aubrey.