Volume 1, Issue 5 | Heat Wave
Hope y’all have been staying cool out there. We installed a third AC just in time for this heat wave, so we’re keeping comfortable here.
Lotta things this week. Hope to see you at some of them.
This week:
Marbling Workshop, Monday July 15
June, a friend of The Company, is going to lead a marbling workshop! It’s a really lovely, somewhat meditative process for creating natural, intricate patterns and applying them to paper. It’s an 8 slot session and there are 3 slots left. $20, or $5 for members.
Open Hours, Tuesday July 17
If you’d like to stop by to socialize, see the space, read a book, play a game of chess, or just generally hang out in an unstructured way for absolutely free, feel free to pop in anytime between 5–9. No link, no ticketing, just show up and we’ll keep each other company.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday July 17
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Open Hours, Thursday July 18
If you’d like to stop by to socialize, see the space, read a book, play a game of chess, or just generally hang out in an unstructured way for absolutely free, feel free to pop in anytime between 5–9. No link, no ticketing, just show up and we’ll keep each other company.
Tyler and Maggie’s Opening, Friday July 19
Technically an offsite, but Tyler and Maggie, friends of The Company, are opening their new patisserie on Friday. Some of us are going to be there around the lunch hour. Learn more here: https://www.instagram.com/leclaresdenver/
PowerPoint Party No. 16, Saturday, July 20
One of the major reasons we started The Company was to have more space for our overcrowded PowerPoint Parties! The last one was a blast but it also lacked AC, a spotlight, and a PA system. We’ve got all three now.
We’ve got spots open for presenters! Email us back or text me or Livvy if you’d like to sign up.
Also, and importantly, do you know anyone who’s interested in coming to a PowerPoint Party? You should totally invite them! No limits to guest count now. And both you and they should get tickets at the link.
Future Weeks:
Storytelling Workshop, Monday, July 22
We enjoy getting and giving feedback, and generally talking about storytelling. To help us work on our own stories, we’re hosting a workshop to riff on stories, talk structure, and get some feedback.
Glint: Yes, Tuesday, July 30
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like the Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Yes“, which is also what you should respond when we ask you: do you want to be added to the list to tell a story? Or at least come and hear stories?
Remember the Moonlight showcase—our smallest yet—how Livvy shared her reading notes, and I shared my musical notes?
How Drew took photo portraits of Company members, and we realized it’s a hack for getting the cheapest nice headshots in town?
The worknight—our biggest yet—how Halie came before Justin had left and convinced him to stay? How they didn’t work on anything but just chatted and we had to move them into the conference room because they were being too distracting? How Trevr and Jacob and Livvy and I got a lot done? How we could’ve coordinated our separate Taco Bell deliveries better? How Halie rode the skateboard around and fell off? How after we closed up, she tried to chase a bunny off of the street and instead chased it into the street? How we listened to Mona Lisa on the way home?
How after I installed the security camera it kept alerting me that someone had been spotted, because it was spotting us, because I didn’t know how to disarm it?
How we installed the third AC, and except for our brief confusion about placement it was basically a flawless user experience?
How Norton and Penelope made a custom poster for game night, which got renamed to game nite for visual balance? How I recut the torn tape on it because we’re not animals?
How Dan came over, and we talked for ninety minutes about yoga and schemes and diversity and the True Meaning of Membership? How we played A Fake Artist Goes to New York? How we tried to draw “Skull”? How confident Norton’s strokes were on “Hero”? That hilarious disaster of a “Cupid”?
How for Friday Lunch Day, when we went to Bar Taco, it was 102º outside? How it was just us, The Management, with Justin? Like that cold snowy day back in April, before we signed the lease, when we showed him the space the first time, when it was all tan and green, with a few extra walls?
How Beth came over and we talked about running a coffee cart from here? How we all felt really great about it?
How Trash Robot reappeared?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We installed the third AC. It was so much easier to install than the first two, though they have different strengths. If somehow, this late in the season, you’re in the market for a pretty window AC unit, we can strongly recommend getting a Windmill.
At Worknight: Livvy drafted three proposals for a visitor logging system for The Company, Ivan started drafting a script for a live show, Jacob storyboarded a different YouTube video, Trevr worked on one of three new blog posts, Norton (and then Penelope) worked on a new plot.
Games played at our very first Game Nite: Libertalia, A Fake Artist Goes to New York, Just One.
The Denver Generative Art Meetup hosted a Creative Coding Demo day, where we saw a web app for typesetting in the Company font, pen plotter prints, spiral spiderwebs made with Voronoi diagrams, a web app for making trinary cypher sigils, open source scientific instruments that stream data as keystrokes to p5 sketches, rock-paper-scissors-based cellular automata, and vibey pixel shaders controlled by midi sliders.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, and our newest members, Trevr and Aubrey.