Volume 1, Issue 4 | Mascot
Salutations, fellow America-dwellers!
We hope you all had a happy not-a-colony-anymore day. Livvy and I were in Massachusetts for a big family reunion on her dad’s side, and we have no idea what Norton was up to.
Come to our things this week, okay? We’re having our first game night.
This week:
Moonlight Showcase, Monday July 8
Moonlight members only (for now). This is where Moonlighters show off work from the last lunation and commit to projects for the next lunation. Interested in joining a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon? Reply to this email.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday July 10
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members. Learn more at the link.
Game Night, Thursday July 11
The first of many, this game night is being run by our dear friend and Company member Justin Schaffer. He used to design and publish board games, now he just plays them. RSVPs are needed by Tuesday, July 9. Learn more at the link.
Creative Coding Demo Day, Saturday July 13
Demo days are where people casually present creative coding projects at any stage of progress—or just watch people give demos. They are hosted by Norton King and the Denver Generative Art meetup group. Learn more at the link.
Next week:
Marbling Workshop, Monday July 15
June, a friend of The Company, is going to lead a marbling workshop! It’s a really lovely, somewhat meditative process for creating natural, intricate patterns and applying them to paper. It’s an 8 slot session and there are 5 slots left. $20, or $5 for members. Learn more at the link.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, July 17
Same as above, but again. More at the link.
PowerPoint Party No. 16, Saturday, July 20
Come hear 7 minute presentations about anything. Want to present? Email us. More at the link.
Also consider:
Tyler and Maggie’s Patisserie Opening, Friday July 19
Technically an offsite, and not a Company event, but Tyler and Maggie Clare, friends of The Company, are opening their new patisserie on Friday. It’s called Le Clare’s. They make éclairs. All of us are going, probably, we just haven’t landed on when. You should go too. Learn more here.
Do you remember that Sunday afternoon when we fell asleep on the couches waiting for Norton to show up, but had forgotten to tell him we were in? How we once again stayed late, working on Paperwork?
How we hosted our first Break Room, and Drew set up a portrait studio and took photos of us and River? How in between sessions we went to Little Man and noticed they have Earl Gray and Pistachio ice creams?
How we made some satisfying progress on the website and the pegboard planning?
How we found a snake on our staircase? How Norton was bent on trapping it on a box and keeping it as a pet? How Halie named him Ace because he had an Ace of Clubs with him? How we learned, after we finally gave up our half-hearted attempts, that Norton had once before caught a snake and kept it as a pet? Had named him Lucifer? Called him Lucy for short?
How we hosted another Weekly Wednesday Worknight, and met Jacob for the first time? How he told us about his months in Tokyo and his job with the VR zoo stuff?
How we left for the holiday weekend and were a little sad to miss out? How we heard updates of rogue office decor, and it gave Ivan nightmares?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We assembled a couple of side tables, helper members claimed various chores, and we ordered a third (!) air conditioner.
We evaluated a new lunch spot that may or not make it into the Company neighborhood guide.
At Worknight: Livvy took notes on “The Power of Moments,” the book she’s been reading for her Moonlight goal; Ivan made music for 30 minutes; Jacob (new!) made progress on his YouTube video about what a game even is; Mason worked on “boring backend stuff that doesn’t look pretty”.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, and our newest member, Mary Ann.