Volume 1, Issue 28 | Season’s Farewells
If you’re heading anywhere for the holidays, have a great time! If you’re sticking around, so are we! We’ve got a few unofficial and official events planned, so reach out if you’d like some company. (That’s what we’re about.)
This week:
(At least not officially.)
Future Weeks:
Moonlight Showcase #1261, Monday, Dec 30
Moonlight members only (for now). This is where Moonlighters show off work from the last lunation and commit to projects for the next lunation. Interested in joining a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon? Reply to this email.
Old Year’s Resolution Party, Tuesday, Dec 31
What happened to you this past year? How did it resolve? Before whatever wild midnight celebration you’re going to, come to The Company and make a small artifact of 2024.
We’ll provide prompts for guided reflection and also have a chance to hear from each other.
No, old acquaintance should not be forgot. Why do you keep asking us that? →
Do you remember Yoga with Dan? How he told stories of love? That afterward, while I worked on Paperwork, the two of you played Splendor?
How that Monday, Justin finally sat down for a mid morning break? How we talked about the creative event, and worked on finding a better name for it? How a little while later we had the longest lunch?
Do you remember the book club at Chriskindlmarket? How there were so many of us fumbling around in the cold, buying hot drinks and crepes and mittens? Do you remember how we fell and danced and tottered about the stage? Or that we talked about our favorite parts of the story? Or that we walked into the big tree and were so happy to look up?
That Tuesday with so many of us? How you went to Odie B’s to pick up lunch, and got Christmas-themed signs? How the Christmas tree appeared while we ate, and you set it up, and how, as the light faded, the glow of the Christmas lights illuminated that corner?
The walks? Lucy’s tour of the space? How we finally had another Management meeting, and it was so long?
How Lizzie brought in a dime for The Company? And we immediately started trying to put things on it?
The walk to get ice cream? How we discovered that right next to the ice cream was a whole store of Christmas trees?
How that was the day that Allyson shared that one of her saddest emotions is not being able to hold her friends as tiny children, and it made all of us so sad?
The work night? How you could finally work on whatever you wanted to in the moment? How Elijah’s goal with the sewing machine was so long and specific that we made an acronym for it, and spent much of the rest of the night trying to remember what it meant? The easy star?
How Emily came by? How you helped her make coffee? How the last few desks were claimed, and Ashley shared Michelle’s desk with her? How Halie surprise showed up? And how some of us said our goodbyes for the break, wished each other well, and clocked out?
How Michelle and Dan hugged around a pole?
How we left early to prep for dinner at home, but that was the day that a pipe had burst at our building, so we came back and hosted dinner from here, our second home?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We have a Christmas tree! Thanks for Jim for bringing it in and providing us with a precious set of ornaments for it.
We are now out of hot desks! We are working on getting more, but for now all the desks have been claimed.
We’ve acquired a Company Dime by donation of Lizzie. We have put all sorts of things on it already. If you would like to put anything on The Company Dime, just bring it in and we’ll help you out.
At Worknight: Jacob finished a fractal noise algorithm, Will added auto-save, Ivan drew five letters, Lizzie crocheted some amount of a book cover, Elijah almost DIACOFPATTWSHDP, Norton resolved website grid issues, LIvvy wrote her name in 5 cipher variants, and Ben considered structure.
Notes from PowerPoint Party No. 21 have been updated.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Madison, Melissa, Elijah, Dan, Michelle, Jim, Jacob, Mark, Ben, Sabrina, Beth, and our newest members, Dani, Chris, and Brynn.