Volume 1, Issue 26 | Cardboardwork
Hahahahahaha, you think I have time to write a full issue of Paperwork this weekend? The weekend right before Livvy and I celebrate our ten-year wedding anniversary, with all of our ambitious plans for it not-yet-fully executed?? After a week of not enough sleep, you think I have time to do this of all things??? To list upcoming events and reminisce and pick photos and write captions???? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!
This week:
PowerPoint Party No. 21, Saturday, December 14
What’s a PowerPoint Party, you ask? Twelve people giving 7-minute presentations about whatever they’re currently into. At past ones, people have presented about earthships, how to train your hobbit, and mugs. It’s a wide mix.
It’s a nerdy and sincere crowd that cares a lot, and we’ve met some of our favorite people at these.
Want to present? We’ve got a waiting list. Want to just show up and meet interesting people and learn about what’s fascinating them lately? That’s great too. Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring your mom.
Next week:
Yoga with Dan, Sunday, December 15
We invite you to a special Vinyasa Yoga class taught by the one and only Daniel Evan Quay.
This one hour, all-levels “flow” class syncs engaging physical poses with intentional breathwork to build flexibility and coordination while attuning to our inner selves. Students can expect a moderate, low impact workout with light breathing exercises.
Classes are limited to 20 students. Please RSVP early.
We have a limited number of mats available for rental.
We want everyone to have access to Yoga with Dan! We offer 5, free “Community Passes” to each class, including a mat rental.
Mary Ann’s Book Club: Holiday Edition, Monday, December 16
Book club is usually the last Monday of the month, but that’s a busy time of year for a lot of people so it’s happening one week early. And because of that shortened time, we’re going to be talking about a shorter work—an essay by the humorist David Sedaris titled SantaLand Diaries. We’re not quite sure where to find the written version of, but an audio version of it, read by Sedaris himself, was part of a This American Life episode. Act two, which you can listen to here, has the story. Half hour listen.
Note that instead of meeting to discuss at The Company, we’ll be meeting up at the thematically much more appropriate Christkindlmarket.
All we want for Christmas-themed book club is for you to be a participant at it →
Do you remember the Monday with people back? How Lee came by and we had lunch together, and later all teared up watching that Mister Rogers video?
That we got some packages delivered and Dan put a box on his head and Norton drew a face on it? That Michelle made an iMessage sticker of it, and it reminded us of Ace Hardware Norton?
How Lizzie came over and she tried it on too, and then they tried it on together?
Do you remember how Dan clearly acknowledged that Livvy said “tree-mendous” when discussing our schemes to attend Blossoms of Light?
The joy of the new coat rack, how the hangers swung in a wave, how we imagined custom-manufacturing metal hangers to create pleasing harmonic relationships between them? How Ashley and Michelle helped us take down some of the last bits of homecoming, and we popped all the balloons and made a mess?
Or the worknight where Dan began his mask-making journey, and Livvy waved at her coworkers across the street?
Do you remember the complicated bronze medal third place joke we tried to solve? How later, when noting Livvy and my usual whereabouts, Allyson made a callback and said “Your third place is your second place!”
How seven of us went on a walk to Little Owl and the barista asked if we were all part of a book club? How they asked more questions and were even more confused about us? How, even confused, they said such nice things about us and we felt so swell?
Or how it felt to see Allyson’s film photos of Homecoming? The fun of that anticipation, the time delay, how we smiled back at ourselves?
The small lunch with Mark, and how good the bread was that they called pita, that didn’t seem at all like pita?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We met our newest member, Beth, months ago at a Creative Mornings where she pitched a coffee business she was planning called “Cuppa”. It was a way of combining her love of coffee and tea with her love for community. While she was pitching, we looked up her website, and everything was about her hope for Cuppa to be a ‘third place’. She even had a bit of copy saying “come for the coffee & tea and stay for the vibes”. It was shockingly aligned with how we talk about The Company: your next third place; come for the [insert literally anything we do here], stay for the company. And Beth was pitching to see if there was anyone with a connection to a creative space that might have a spot for a small coffee cart. So we said hi immediately and over the past few months have been in talks about getting her set up here. She’s now got a small collection of furniture in her spot, and plans to be opening in the new year for a few mornings every week.
We’ve gotten a coat rack! Up until now we’ve been stuffing coats in bags or hanging them on the backs of our chairs, like a bunch of animals.
We’ve gotten a few more lamps in the space. Before this, we’ve been bouncing video lights off the ceiling, like a bunch of animals.
The Daniel Evan Quay foundation has generously donated 10 years worth of trash bags to The Company.
We have acquired two Shure SM58s. Hitherto we were using an SM57, like a bunch of animals.
We’ve been having a strange issue with our stove and oven, which recently led to a sad moment where we thought we were going to bake some cookies, and then couldn’t! Thanks to our very great landlords, however, it has now been thoroughly fixed and no one has to know how. Previously, we were eating raw cookie dough, like a bunch of happy animals.
At Worknight: Ivan started annotating a script for asset collection, Lizzie collected and entered some data into a spreadsheet, Norton finished seven svelte.js lessons, Will added animation settings to his website builder, Dan finished a pre papier-mâché form, Livvy worked on adding her voice to some parts in a script, y Ben terminó de leer un capítulo de su libro.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Madison, Melissa, Elijah, Dan, Michelle, Jim, Jacob, Mark, Ben, Sabrina, and our newest member, Beth.