Volume 1, Issue 25 | Museum Crimes
If you celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope it was very nice! If you didn’t, I hope that was also very nice! Whatever you were up to, I hope you’re back from it and that we get to see each other again soon.
For secret reasons (or reasons you already know), the next two weeks are going to be a little lighter on Official Events than usual, but remember that you’re always welcome to pop in during the day and convince us to take breaks.
This week:
Moonlight Showcase, Monday, December 2
Moonlight members only (for now). This is where Moonlighters show off work from the last lunation and commit to projects for the next lunation. Interested in joining a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon? Reply to this email.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, December 4
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Heads up that there will be no Worknight on the 11th or 25th of this month! Do not come on those days! We won’t let you in!
Future Weeks:
PowerPoint Party No. 21, Saturday, December 14
What’s a PowerPoint Party, you ask? Twelve people giving 7-minute presentations about whatever they’re currently into. At past ones, people have presented about earthships, how to train your hobbit, and mugs. It’s a wide mix.
It’s a nerdy and sincere crowd that cares a lot, and we’ve met some of our favorite people at these.
Want to present? We’ve got a waiting list. Want to just show up and meet interesting people and learn about what’s fascinating them lately? That’s great too. Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring your mom.
Yoga with Dan, Sunday, December 15
We invite you to a special Vinyasa Yoga class taught by the one and only Daniel Evan Quay.
This one hour, all-levels “flow” class syncs engaging physical poses with intentional breathwork to build flexibility and coordination while attuning to our inner selves. Students can expect a moderate, low impact workout with light breathing exercises.
Classes are limited to 20 students. Please RSVP early.
We have a limited number of mats available for rental.
We want everyone to have access to Yoga with Dan! We offer 5, free “Community Passes” to each class, including a mat rental.
Mary Ann’s Book Club: Holiday Edition, Monday, December 16
Book club is usually the last Monday of the month, but that’s a busy time of year for a lot of people so it’s happening one week early. And because of that shortened time, we’re going to be talking about a shorter work—an essay by the humorist David Sedaris titled SantaLand Diaries. We’re not quite sure where to find the written version of, but an audio version of it, read by Sedaris himself, was part of a This American Life episode. Act two, which you can listen to here, has the story. Half hour listen.
Note that instead of meeting to discuss at The Company, we’ll be meeting up at the thematically much more appropriate Christkindlmarket.
All we want for Christmas-themed book club is for you to be a participant at it →
Do you remember talking with Michael about ideas, the eclectic group that we are, and his thoughts on communities and culture?
Or the book club discussion? How we had so many thoughts about it? That we talked about red shirting and toxicity, and that Trevr said “someone needs to ride these bicycles” and we laughed for a long time about that? How we kept meaning to wrap things up but kept on having things to share? How London sampled many cookies, laughed with the group, tried on a lot of lipstick, and gave me a high five?
Do you remember our long conversation at lunch about dimes, and how nice it might be to have one for The Company?
How that afternoon, while we set up the room, the Norton J. King gallery hurriedly hung up some pieces, and they looked great?
Or Glint on that week when so many people were away—how we still had a good time and heard great stories, about heights and hikes and flights and insights and other words that understandably sound very similar? How we again lingered long after?
How Mason finally returned from his extended time away, during which he met Sabrina, who then came to a worknight, after which she became a member?
Do you remember that Thanksgiving day, that we spent it setting things up and digging through folders and revising the script, while Dan explored his identity with ink and paper?
That Beth started assembling the Cuppa coffee cart area?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
The Norton J King gallery has begun to hang art on the new gallery rails. So far we have pieces by Allyson Amanda, Drew Jackson, Ivan Ruiz-Knott, Justin Schaffer, and Malika Khurana.
At book club: one boy, four men, and three women had a great conversation about Of Boys and Men.
At Glint, Jim talked about a risky and un-regulated alternative to recreational drugs that he’s still trying to track down, Ronak shared about taking an interview during a trip, Brian thought the theme was “Hikes”, Kayla reminisced about a strange encounter with a man who works at altitude, Topaz described a moment of terror on a crumbly mountain trail, Ivan related the disappointment of getting rebooked on a flight, and Allyson recounted a vision that led to one of her tattoos.
At Worknight: Ivan picked possible songs for a reprise, Mason worked toward completing phase distorter shader integration and consolidation, Livvy planned a museum visit, Sabrina filled in a second buffalo, and Norton finished a color palette generation tool.
November’s attendance data:
1 visit: 45 people
2 visits: 8 people
3–4 visits: 8 people
5–7 visits: 3 people
8–12 visits: 6 people
13–20 visits: 3 people
21+ visits: 2 people
Total people: 75
People who came more than once: 30
Other notes:The 8+ column was the only column that had more people this month than last month.
Of the people who came only once, more than half of them came to PowerPoint Party.
Notable moves:
Ashley and Mikayla entering strong at 3+
Jaime and Brynn moved up to 3+
Ben entering strong at 5+!
Jim and Michelle moved up to 5+
Mark and Lexi moved up to 8+
Dan moved up to 13+Incomplete data for: Yoga with Dan, Homecoming, Glint
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Madison, Melissa, Elijah, Dan, Michelle, Jim, Jacob, Mark, Ben, and our newest member, Sabrina.