Volume 1, Issue 24 | Order
I was out most of this week with a cold, and Livvy was out half of it with some mysterious other thing, but from Livvy’s and then Norton’s reports, and the chatter in the Discord, it seems like it was once again a nice time over here.
We’re got three events for you this week, in case we’re in good health and in town.
This week:
Mary Ann’s Book Club: Of Boys and Men, Monday, November 25
Richard Reeves claims that the modern male is struggling. We may have personally witnessed these moments, we may be experiencing this crisis ourselves, or we may want to understand how modern society has affected male identity. We’ll chat about these themes of post-feminist masculinity in an hour-long deep dive.
Still plenty of time to read or listen if you do nothing else with your free time. (And you can find the audiobook on Libby.)
Glint: Heights, Tuesday, November 26
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like The Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Heights“, and we’ve (still) got a few storyteller slots left.
Do you have a story of being at altitude? Of a peak in your life? Feeling elated? Euphoric? Being high? High stakes? A climbing trip? Measurements? Vantage points? Whatever your interpretation, we want to hear it.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, November 27
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Future Weeks:
Moonlight Showcase, Monday, December 2
Moonlight members only (for now). This is where Moonlighters show off work from the last lunation and commit to projects for the next lunation. Interested in joining a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon? Reply to this email.
PowerPoint Party No. 21, Saturday, December 14
What’s a PowerPoint Party, you ask? Twelve people giving 7-minute presentations about whatever they’re currently into. At past ones, people have presented about earthships, how to train your hobbit, and mugs. It’s a wide mix.
It’s a nerdy and sincere crowd that cares a lot, and we’ve met some of our favorite people at these.
Want to present? We’ve got a waiting list. Want to just show up and meet interesting people and learn about what’s fascinating them lately? That’s great too. Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring your mom.
Yoga with Dan, Sunday, December 15
We invite you to a special Vinyasa Yoga class taught by the one and only Daniel Evan Quay.
This one hour, all-levels “flow” class syncs engaging physical poses with intentional breathwork to build flexibility and coordination while attuning to our inner selves. Students can expect a moderate, low impact workout with light breathing exercises.
Classes are limited to 20 students. Please RSVP early.
We have a limited number of mats available for rental.
We want everyone to have access to Yoga with Dan! We offer 5, free “Community Passes” to each class, including a mat rental.
Do you remember how the week again began at bartaco? That we said our sleepy goodbyes right outside, and then all walked in the same direction for blocks?
Or how we came back a few hours later to reset the space, and cleaned so many things in our tireless fight against entropy? That the weather was nice so we took an ice cream break and found some sunlight to sit in, before coming back and cleaning some more? How Dan stayed so much longer and organized so many more things?
How the answer was crime?
How to compensate for how much progress we made, a cabinet door broke?
The surprisingly full Monday that I missed? That Brynn showed up? The afternoon trip to Little Owl and the stop at the vending machines? How Dan waited behind the door to surprise Allyson, but Ben walked in the door instead?
Or the worknight without Livvy? How we met Michael, and we all got enough done to earn five stars? How the reward was a new moment for most of you?
How that week, Jim added casters to one of the tall tables, fixed the cabinet door, and hung the picture rails?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We took the opportunity after Homecoming to do a more thorough cleaning of the space (Justin even mopped!).
The recently-taken-out ACs were moved into the baptistry and it was a whole thing involving accidentally and then purposely draining a lot of water out of them.
Jim added casters to one of the tall tables, fixed a cabinet door, and hung the long-awaited picture rails.
Hinted at, and soon to be properly announced, a future member’s retail project is underway.
At Worknight: Allyson [redacted] and went to Home Depot, Norton began reacquainting himself with shaders, Michael had one useful insight, Will added custom cursors to his website builder, Ben completed the data change in the edit screen, Ivan finished revising a chapter of the script, and Trevr listened to the book for Mary Ann’s Book Club.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Madison, Melissa, Elijah, Dan, Michelle, Jim, Jaime, Jacob, Mark, and Ben.