Volume 1, Issue 22 | Beautiful Color
For many of us, for reasons both predictable and private, it was a momentous and strange and heavy week. News and sickness and apartness and realizations—a beautiful fall rudely interrupted by an early winter—feelings and feelings about the feelings. Odd times.
And so it was nice that the snow let up. That we happened to have a PowerPoint Party scheduled. That we got to gather again, in person, getting our hugs in and meeting new people and having so many fun and meaningful conversations, late into the night. That we got to laugh and learn and together observe: beautiful color.
This week:
Yoga with Dan, Sunday, November 10
Once again, I’m writing this section of Paperwork while Yoga With Dan is taking place and leaving it in for the historical record.
This one hour, all-levels “flow” class is currently syncing engaging physical poses with intentional breathwork, building flexibility and coordination while attuning inner selves. Students are currently experiencing a moderate, low impact workout with light breathing exercises.
You’re far too late to join. But this happens monthly, the day after PowerPoint Parties. The next one is December 15.
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, November 13
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Homecoming, Saturday, November 16
The first of what we hope will be many formal dances, Homecoming is this Saturday. Livvy asked me to go with her by singing to me in front of PowerPoint Party, and of course I said yes.
With or without a date, you should go too! The theme is Old Hollywood, and we’ll walk the red carpet and take photos and dance and eat snacks and drink punch and consensually make out with whoever we want to.
Would you like to go to Homecoming with all of us? →
Also coming up: Mary Ann’s Book Club: Of Boys and Men, Glint: Heights.
Do you remember that we got to show Allie and Kamron the space? How that was the night of the monthly timecard photo, and all that Lightroom troubleshooting that made me want to cry?
The Monday with Jaime and Lexi? The tiny Moonlight showcase? The feelings we had about the season 4 finale of OMITB?
Or that Tuesday, talking to Marcia about “hope buildings”, and how it was dark and snowing when we scared Beth over the phone with the good news?
That Mark showed up to tell us he was interested in having a deeper relationship with the moon? Our muffled gloved partners handshake in the elevator?
How much snow there was that week? How quiet the days were? How the sun reflected off the cars and cast beams onto our ceiling?
Do you remember how, during the prep work for the gallery rails, Jim noted that “the hammer drill is not a precise instrument”?
How it was baby Lance’s very first PowerPoint Party, and it opened with one of his favorite subjects? Or that Elijah confided that it his personal belief that the two Cs on the bathroom faucets must stand for cold and caliente? How Livvy sang a song, and everyone loved it but I loved it more than everyone? How we learned about so many things and afterward had so much to talk about?
How as the evening was wrapping up, and we were deciding whether to stick around and tidy or join the run to bartaco, Livvy said “I do a lot for the company” and meant two things by it?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We’ve acquired a 40-cup hot water dispenser. We’ll have warm beverages all winter long.
We’ve begun some preliminary exploratory work on the gallery rail system.
At the Moonlight Showcase for Lunation #1259: Allyson shared about her physical therapy progress, Ivan shared the updated anniversary details and the start of a run sheet, and Livvy shared word counts on an anniversary script. Lunation #1260’s goal announcements: Jacob will (continue to) finish making a YouTube video, Livvy will do assorted anniversary party tasks, and Ivan will also do assorted anniversary party tasks. Announced later: Will will make a website maker.
At Worknight: Livvy submitted her Moonlight Goal Form, Ivan sent some administrative texts, Norton organized the plotter archives, and Will added a snapping-for-rotation tool to his website maker.
At the Cozy Pen Plotter Party: we plotted miscellaneous typographic curiosities, a skull, and a piano.
At PowerPoint Party No. 20: Micah showed us his favorite colors, Margaux encouraged us to use our free will, Trevr convinced us to want our own earthships, Glenn described the differences in dive bars, Gadget used us to help them write a poem, Dan revealed Rule number 2, Simon showed us his favorite colors, Zack taught us how our projector works (and helped me uncover why it’s so hard to take color-accurate photos of the screen), Beth joyfully told us about mugs, Elijah gave us tips on moving to Canada, and Lee taught us how (and why) to train hobbits.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Lizzie, Madison, Melissa, Elijah, Dan, Michelle, Jim, Jaime, and our newest members, Jacob and Mark.