Volume 1, Issue 2 | Sound Check
Hey again!
This week truly flew by. Without the pressure of major events, most of our time was spent taking care of chores, ordering more things for the space, and making some minor quality of life improvements. Looking forward to sharing them with you.
Glint: Beginning, Tuesday, June 25
Come hear or tell true personal stories, told live, without notes, on the theme of Beginning. So far we’ve got 9 people signed up to tell stories (that’s an increase of -1 since last week!). If you’d like to tell a story, reply to this email and let us know. Otherwise, learn more and get a ticket at the link.
Moonlight Worknight, Thursday June 27
Moonlight is a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon, run by Livvy and me. One of its many mechanisms for motivation involves regular worknights. Moonlighters can get together and focus on their goals with dedicated quiet times and break times. Moonlighters and Company members can come for free, but if you’d like to try it out and aren’t yet a part of either of those groups, you’re welcome to drop in for $5. Learn more at the link.
Do you remember how we stayed up way too late working on the first newsletter? How Mason had just told us earlier that day about the $6 Taco Bell Cravings Box and we ordered some for second dinner to keep us going? How the Lyft that picked us up had colorful lights inside, and the singer on the radio hoped that we had the time of our lives, and we knew that we had?
Playing chess on our phones throughout work meetings, instead of at the physical chessboard, as we kept shooting “it’s your turn“ looks at each other?
How we helped Kent move a dresser into his place, and realized that we had had no idea what he was actually up to down there this whole time?
Or the clever scheme Dan thought up, the one we talked about for days, forgetting to get back to him about it but remembering to mention it in the newsletter?
How we discovered that obscure, tremendously handy, and wildly successful mom-and-pop warehouse Costco?
The zero service vending machine we saw on our way to Friday Lunch Day? How Norton reveled in having wine and cheese for the second day in a row?
How the night we installed the first air conditioner, Livvy played board games with Justin, finally accomplishing a major goal for the space? How it worked great? How the following day we realized the bracket looked off-center? How soon after we realized that was part of the design? How we would never forgive them for that? How the moon hung perfectly above the city when we left?
Do you remember how, by the time the four of us had showed up, Justin had already left, having just completed one of his greatest works? How Halie worked on her Taylor Swift costume, Norton worked on the Company logo code, Livvy wrote a letter, and I drafted a script for a far too ambitious video project that I would later abandon?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
Drew fixed the bathroom door, we finally took care of so much piled up recycling, we installed one of two air conditioning units, we bought new light bulbs (and almost installed them), we got a spotlight, we got a speaker, and we ordered some more stuff from IKEA
We hosted a tiny work night and learned some things about how we’d like to run them
We created member profile questions, drafted up a chore system, and deliberated about fridge usage
Thanks to Mason for helping fix The WiFi and using his height to unscrew some lightbulbs for us
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time, even when there’s not an event going on. If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, and our newest members, Lexi and José.