Volume 1, Issue 15 | Hanging Out
As of halfway through this past week I’m back in the saddle, as they say. And, as they also say, riding horses is so much more fun than not riding horses. Many thanks to my co-managers and to our members for keeping my horse fed and groomed and exercised while I was out.
Summery, Sunday, September 22
Livvy and I have been hosting a story- and reflection-driven end-of-summer picture show for the past six years, and our seventh-annual one is today! See friends show you pictures and tell you about their summers, and what they meant. We’ve got two slots left if you’d like to present about your own summer, and as always you’re very welcome to just attend.
This week:
Glint: Harvest, Tuesday, September 24
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like The Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Harvest“, and we’ve got some storyteller slots left. If you’re interested in telling a story, get in touch!
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, September 25
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Next Week:
Mary Ann’s Book Club, Monday, September 30
Mary Ann’s monthly book club is having its first meeting next Monday.
The book in discussion is How to Know A Person, by David Brooks, and many of us who are reading it have been enjoying it quite a lot.
If you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late! You can find it available for purchase here. (Bookshop.org lets you choose a local book store to send some proceeds to. We recommend supporting The Shop at Matter, our local design and activist bookshop.)
Conscious Spending Class, Tuesday, October 1
José is teaching his second Conscious Spending Class. In this one he’ll go over the topic of investing and debt. These two major areas of finance unlock opportunities and create a new way of thinking about your money and how to use it best. Come hang out to plan your next month, and feel good about life in Denver. Limited spots.
Creative Coding Demo Night / Art Show, Saturday, October 5
Norton’s been running a creative coding meetup for a few years (the origins of which were mentioned in a particularly long caption in Issue 11), held a creative coding art show last year, and when we started The Company he immediately began planning another. It’s coming up, it’s gonna be dope, and you should totally come.
From the writeup: part meetup, part art show, part demo night, part party, Creative Code Denver’s second annual show will gather and showcase artists and programmers exploring code as a creative medium.
Future Weeks:
Refugee Initiative Training, Monday, October 7
Company member Allyson is working with Lutheran Family Services to help a newly arrived refugee family in 4 main areas: English language, job applications, financial literacy, and life skills. If you’re interested in being a part of this initiative you must go through a training, which you can do virtually on your own (it’s hosted once a month), but it’s much more fun if you attend this in-person session at The Company.
Email Allyson at allysonacoan@gmail.com for more information.
Film Screening: Eno, Tuesday, October 8
As I mentioned last week, this event is far enough in the future that we wouldn’t usually mention it yet, but tickets have been flying and we’re down to 6 spots left, unless we get creative with seating. (Speaking of, one of Gary Hustwit’s previous films involved people getting creative with seating.)
You’re going to want to sit down for this →
Also coming up: PowerPoint Party No. 19.
Do you remember how you two got coffee, but weren’t supposed to talk about the obvious thing so instead you reflected on Shakespeare and art and the classics, and wondered why it seemed like only first things are legitimate?
José stopping by in the afternoon?
The morning when Lexi came in, and Allyson said “I’m loving all this femme energy!”? That the three of you had to then make sure Justin knew he was also appreciated even though he’s not a girl?
How you talked over lunch about what you’d do if you won the lottery? All the walks in various configurations? Getting ice cream together, that last week of summer? How Justin remarked about how good the life we have is?
How Sarah with the great last name came by and you talked for a while?
The worknight of eight? How you didn’t earn a star that night, but got a great selfie?
Do you remember how I finally came back? How Halie snuck in before lunch and surprised Justin? That we all stopped by Maci for lunch, and then went to the park, with River carrying his own leash? The weather was so nice that day, and we admired the tree starting to change colors. Halie, ever wiggly, hung upside down from the monkey bars, and River braved the slide. Do you remember that? How we all just took some time to hang out?
Or the type meetup? How it felt to me like such a good moment narratively, with all the reconnecting? All those people so key to my type design journey, in the same room together? How our space was briefly a niche for a community that is niche?
That afterward the three of us were so hungry and went for late night pasta to Tony P’s? How we came across another generically named space on the way? The smiley server? How we walked home after, and before the footbridge over the South Platte, the three of us all saw and exclaimed “A bunny!“, “Another bunny!“, “A third bunny!“?
Do you remember Allyson’s birthday meal? How we all wore birthday hats and made a game-time restaurant switch? How conspicuous and silly and happy we all looked, walking over? How she recapped her year, and we were so happy to have been in it?
How we came in on Saturday afternoon and stayed till midnight working on Summery pieces?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
Space updates: The Norton J. King collection has accepted four new knitted artworks from artist (and New York Times Graphics Editor) Malika Khurana (Indian-American, 1993–) and one abstract expressionist piece by up-and-coming artist Clara (last name withheld) (withheld, withheld). We’ve also assembled 9 more chairs.
At Worknight: Norton measured and mocked up the layout for a gallery wall, Halie and Livvy worked on a rough drafts of their Summery pieces, Rose worked on her star look, Mason implemented bool pointer parameter in the
lambda, Jacob created a mesh generation explanation, and Dan finished his yoga proposal.At Type in Real Life: we had a great meetup with a good crowd of many new (to the space) people. Thanks so much to Kyle for getting it together, and to the type community for showing up.
We updated the last PowerPoint Party page with presentation links and images. We’ve been meaning to do this for a long time (and used to do it a long time ago). You can also now see a full listing of past events on the events page by filtering for past events.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, Allyson, Lizzie, and Madison.