Volume 1, Issue 11 | Meeting Up
Hey friends (and spies),
It was an atypical week at The Company. No major events; Livvy was gone for most of it; and we had a trickle and then a flood of very nice drop-ins. Not as many lingerings, but more deliberate visits. More people calling on than hanging around. It was super nice. We’d be happy for more of that.
This week, though, we do have a few major events, so if you’d like to come to those and linger after, please do. And if you’d ever like to just stop by, or come work from here during the day, you know how to reach us and where to find us.
This week:
Glint: Stuck, Tuesday, August 27
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like The Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Stuck“, and we’ve got 3 of 12 teller slots left. If you’re interested in telling a story, get in touch!
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday, August 28
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Conscious Spending Class, Thursday, August 29
Learn to feel good about your money with this conscious spending class. José, member of The Company, will go over the topic of crafting a conscious spending plan for September, creating opportunities to grow your income, and 2 practical tips to enjoy more of your money this upcoming month! Come hang out to plan your next month and feel good about life in Denver. Limited spots.
Future Weeks:
Join or Die, Tuesday, September 3
The Company is pleased and proud to officially host a screening of Join or Die, “a film about why you should join a club, and why the fate of America depends on it.” This documentary is based on the research of Robert Putnam, the author of Bowling Alone—a book we reference often when talking about our motivations for starting The Company and which we have almost read. As hosts, some of us had the chance to see an early screening, and it’s such a well done and entertaining overview of such a critical idea.
In last week’s newsletter I had this listed as taking place on Tuesday, October 3, which is both incorrect and also not a day and date combo until 2028. Please do not show up in 2028. There’s a chance we might be here that night, but we likely won’t be screening this documentary. Please instead come exactly 4 years and a month earlier.
PowerPoint Party No. 18, Saturday, September 14
What’s a PowerPoint Party, you ask? Twelve people giving 7-minute presentations about whatever they’re currently into. At past ones people have presented about their rules for life, how to cross this intersection, designing mazes, queer cinema, and loved ones. It’s a wide mix.
It’s a nerdy and sincere crowd that cares a lot, and we’ve met some of our favorite people at these.
Want to present? We’ve got a waiting list (email us back if you want to get on it). Want to just show up and meet interesting people and learn about what’s fascinating them lately? That’s great too. Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring your mom.
Do you remember that strange week?
The quiet Sunday afternoon with Michelle and Danny, how we talked about climbing mountains, making and keeping friends, and infinite games?
Meeting, finally, about our goals for the quarter, and feeling hopeful?
How right before Livvy left for her work trip she brought cacheflowe by, and he punched in and out in the same minute? That we later realized the narrative payoff of it?
Or how we met for the very first time at our gym’s happy hour? How we learned the story behind the name of Maci’s Rusty Runner sandwich?
How Kyle came by and we talked about the type design meetup, and Levi (who knew him!) swung by for the first time?
The tiny worknight, where I showed great effort in running it as well as Livvy, but we mostly talked nonstop while potting clippings, and painting, and editing, and eating Taco Bell?
Do you remember how that was the week we had that long conversation about why Livvy and I left Boston?
How it was storming when we were leaving, and we cast about looking for something to cover ourselves with and found that one iconic bag? How we were hiding under shelter for the bus to come, so it skipped us, but we caught it at the light?
Or that infinite Friday? The BYOCreative Mornings (José’s first), how we shared our rituals, and we met more people? How we ended up at The Company for a few brief hours of work before having Family Meal? That Livvy showed up in the middle, at the same time as Allyson’s mom and sister, and it was a crowd?
That a little after that, Halie showed up to work from here for the very first time? How the afternoon became wonderfully unproductive? That Paola stopped by, and it got even better? How we talked about that one Friday for months afterward?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We finally potted some of our many clippings.
We purchased a few things from FRNDS agency (thanks Dan for yet another good tip). We’ll be picking them up sometime this week.
Our security camera is now working perfectly again.
With the end of Q1, we spent some time thinking about our goals. We are looking to increase revenue to a specific secret amount through a mix of increasing memberships and selling more tickets to events.
At Worknight: Justin edited (some) photos, Norton did something to control Penelope from the command line, Ivan and Halie and then Ivan and Norton potted some long overdue clippings, and Halie painted a blob.
We would like to formally apologize to Big Movie Guy for The Movie Secret.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, Aubrey, and our newest member, Allyson.