Volume 1, Issue 1 | Open
Hey friends!
Welcome to our very first issue of Paperwork, the official newsletter of The Company.
On behalf of The Management (Livvy, Norton, and me), I want to say that we are so grateful to all of you who showed up to support The Opening this past week, along with PowerPoint Party No. 15.
Saturday marks one month into our one-year lease on this space, and it was lovely to finally start filling it with your good company.
This week:
Moonlight Worknight, Wednesday June 19
Moonlight is a social club for side projects based around the cycle of the moon, run by Livvy and me. One of its many mechanisms for motivation involves regular worknights. Moonlighters can get together and focus on their goals with dedicated quiet times and break times. Moonlighters and Company members can come for free, but if you’d like to try it out and aren’t yet a part of either of those groups, you’re welcome to drop in for $5. Learn more at the link.
Next week:
Glint: Beginning, Tuesday, June 25
Come hear or tell true personal stories, told live, without notes, on the theme of Beginning. So far we’ve got 10 people signed up to tell stories. If you’d like to tell a story, reply to this email and let us know. Otherwise, learn more and get a ticket at the link.
Do you remember how, with the help of Justin, we pillaged our apartments, and scrambled to last-minute rent a cargo van? How, as I slowly drove it onto the curb at The Company, Norton and Justin looked wide-eyed and distressed, and waved for me to stop as I slowly scraped the crosswalk signal?
How River, the best of dogs, kept us company on our video calls? Coming by for pets or chasing his tail?
How we kept riffing on that one branding concept, hurrying to finish it before The Opening, and how with its bits and pieces it later ignited Livvy’s cipher pathology and Norton’s dark code magic?
How Livvy’s parents were in town, and played bouncer, photographer, resupplier, and cleaner?
The Opening—how we ran our lines before it, and loved Norton’s phrase of “social scaffolding”? How we saw the room fill up with so many people we love? How Penelope played her part perfectly? How Halie was so proud of her?
How friends of ours who hadn’t met before finally did, and enjoyed each other? How friends we thought hadn’t met before had actually known each other years ago?
The inaugural outing of Friday Lunch Days, where we discussed whether or not it’s cool for servers to not write orders down and decided that no, it’s not cool for servers to not write orders down?
How we overheard people saying nice things about us, and sometimes heard them say nice things to us? How there were very many nice things said, that we forgot to write down?
How the company was so very warm on opening week?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
Thanks to Trevr, Ankit, and Sarah for gifting us plants! Thanks to Rick for gifting us a print!
Justin put together some excellent Neighborhood information which is now on the site.
We set up an Instagram account, but this newsletter will be more reliable.
We got a really great Google review.
Some of the next things on our infinite list are looking into more powerful cooling solutions, getting an AV system set up, and finishing our branding.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space. If you want to support the space with membership, you can learn more here. But if you know any of us, you’re welcome to drop in any time and hang for free when there’s not an event going on. You can try visiting between 10am and 5pm, or text us or another member if you want to make sure there’s someone around to let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, and our newest member, Mason.