Volume 1, Issue 6 | A Good Sign
Good week to you, kind subscriber!
A sold out Marbling Workshop, a productive Worknight, and a PowerPoint Party with oddly perfect and then really inconvenient weather conditions made for a really memorable time. Of course, it continues to be your company that makes all of these things so great, so thanks to all of you who spent time here with us.
This week:
Storytelling Workshop, Monday, July 22
We enjoy getting and giving feedback, and generally talking about storytelling. To help us work on our own upcoming Glint performances, we’re hosting a workshop to riff on stories, talk structure, and get some feedback. If you’re telling, or considering telling a story at the next (or a future) Glint, feel free to join (for free).
Weekly Wednesday Worknight, Wednesday July 24
The Company is about combining creative work with good friendships. Make an appointment with your side project this (or any) Wednesday at a Worknight, where we oscillate between enforced, focused, quiet time and optional chatty social time. $5, or free for Company and Moonlight members.
Future Weeks:
Glint: Yes, Tuesday, July 30
True, personal stories, told live, without notes. Pretty much exactly like the Moth except without the competition, on Tuesdays instead of Fridays, and everyone knows each other (or is about to). Our next theme is “Yes“, which is also what you should respond when we ask you: do you want to be added to the waiting list to tell a story? Or at least come and hear stories?
Also coming up: Game Night and PowerPoint Party No. 17
Do you remember how we riffed on future Glint themes, and Norton started listing opposites? How “Fight or Flight“ turned into “Cuddle or Fall“? How he then tried to draw inspiration from themes in classic works of literature, like “Having a huge crush on a girl and buying the house next door and hosting lavish parties to impress her“ and “Waking up and discovering you’re an insect“?
When the artist Juniper Pollock (American, 1993–) taught a sold-out paper marbling workshop? How everyone made sounds of astonishment when they saw their own and each other’s prints? How it produced the first piece of art that we hung in the space?
Or the wasp that made it inside? How Norton waved at it with the stick vacuum and Justin waved at Norton with his arms to be quiet because he was in a meeting?
How Norton came back from denhac smelling like a campfire from all the laser cutting?
How Liz came over and we talked about community and storytelling and loneliness?
How we finally cleared out the shower and learned (and Aubrey confirmed) that the hot water didn’t work? How we later learned it probably hadn’t been used in 16 years?
Or that text that we spent hours crafting that was met with a comically brief clarification that we had misunderstood? How we were so relieved about it?
The Company Offsite at Le Clare’s? Seeing Tyler and Maggie beaming and proud at their own new space? How we determined that the three-inch éclairs are probably the right size if you want more than one thing?
How Lizzie came over early and helped us set up for the party, and how Norton showed up a little later with the sign and thought he had made a mistake on it? How he hadn’t? How it was a good sign? How he hadn’t had time to weatherproof it but we thought that’d be fine because it never rains and we’d take it down after?
How PowerPoint Party was perfect? How we learned about places and people and units and language and rules, and how there was lightning outside during Trevr’s presentation about lightning? How so many friends brought friends, and how we all talked forever in between and after the show?
And how it started to pour right when the party ended, and we rushed to take the sign down?
Bureaucratic Minutiae
We sort of have a new sign. It’ll be up very soon. We will also maybe get hot water in the shower sometime this week. And! Drew fixed our cabinets.
We made significant progress on two schemes: One is about yoga and one is about coffee.
At the Marbling Workshop: Lots of people made lots of great prints. Thanks again, June, that was a blast!
At Worknight: Trevr got a blog post ready for publishing, Justin finished his self-review, Aubrey found some stretching clips and made a vision board on paper, Ivan attempted to research the history of the building we’re in, Livvy investigated time punch clocks, Norton finished his local-space-to-world-space converter, and Jamie worked on editing 10,000 words.
At PowerPoint Party No. 16: Kayla taught us about giraffes, D-Wang shared some observations from Iceland, Jacob explained more complicated versions of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Elijah spoke about absolute units as well as absolute units, Micah Micah Micah Micah Micah Micah Micah Micah, Simon gave us a detailed accounting of the timeline of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, Dan took his sweet time telling us about Rule #1, Trevr coordinated with God to give a presentation about lightning, and José shared how he’s been setting and achieving his financial goals.
Finally, a reminder that The Company is a membership-supported mixed-use creative space, and if you know any of us, you’re welcome to pop in any time for free (outside of events). If you know that one of us is here and you’d like to come by, reach out and we can let you in.
Do you know anyone in the Denver area who might be looking for creative community? Feel free to forward this email along to them. Everyone loves Paperwork.
This issue of Paperwork was made possible by the support of our members, Halie, Drew, Justin, Mason, Lexi, José, Mary Ann, Trevr, and Aubrey.