First Quarter Roundup - 2022
Very delayed first quarter round up, but what is time, really. (Those of you pointing out that I was the one who decided to do these quarterly are...correct.)
Anyway, some great things I read in the first quarter.
I discovered I had overlooked a book that I thought I had read. Sherry Thomas's Tempting the Bride is a historical romance with amnesia, and publishing, and basically many things I love. But hey, it was a delight, and now I have read it.
I talked previously about Mike Chen's Light Years From Home and Chad Lucas's Let the Monster Out.
You Only Live Once David Bravo by Mark Oshiro.
Pixels of You by Yuko Ota and Ananth Hirsch is a graphic novel about images, and augmented humans, and crushes, and art.
Spin Me Right Round by David Valdes - If you are an old, um, in this book a kid time travels back to 1985. If you are not an old, you will learn about 1985, at least part of it. It is very "Back to the Future" since said kid is now in high school with his parents. And is very queer, and really unused to people finding it weird that he doesn't hide being queer. But also, he's in high school with the kid who went to his school way back when and disappeared, so may find out what really happened. And also maybe figure out how to get home.
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry: The Case for Good Apologies by Marjorie Ingall and Susan McCarthy - This book from the folks behind Sorrywatch is great. It's about all kinds of apologies, and also why so many people are bad at apologies and why working to make better apologies makes a better world.
Friday I'm in Love by Camryn Garrett - The author is also a filmmaker, and I hope that a movie version of this gets made, because there is such a great moment in an assembly that I want to see in film. Anyway, new girl in town, some awkward is she straight, are we flirting angst, and just such a cute story.
I Think I Might Love You by Christina C. Jones - I listened to this in audio, and the audio was very well done. It was a fun story with a meet nut punch, and well, a cat, some community service, and some fake dating later, we arrive at the title.
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns - This book is horror, and some of you may recall I have been having trouble reading thrillers. For some reason horror is okay for my brain. I mean I do tend to try to read it in daylight. But this story of a woman who left the town where she grew up, and didn't return for her sister's death and is now being haunted by scary dreams that may or may not be related was fascinating.