Zero Hour Promotional Poster by Jon Bogdanove + SPECIAL BONUS ARTWORK BATPOLL!

Zero Hour Promotional Poster by Jon Bogdanove and Dennis Janke
A promo poster inverting the Superman/Batman proportion in the classic cover for Superman: The Man of Steel #37 (which we covered the other day, if you missed it!). Can you help us identify the tributed artists? Here are the ones my ignorant "only read like 20 Pre-Crisis issues" ass can recognize, counter-clockwise:
Joe Shuster (multiple Joe Shusters?), Wayne Boring, Curt Swan, Kurt Schaffenberger, Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, José Luis García-López, John Byrne, Jerry Ordway, Jon Bogdanove, Jackson Guice, Tom Grummett, Barry Kitson, and Dan Jurgens. I notice an alarming lack of George Pérez, Kerry Gammill (or at least George Pérez/Kerry Gammill), and Bob McLeod, but I can't really complain because it's pretty crowded in there and few artists could pull this off like Bog.
Speaking of daring artists, it's time for another...
Having delivered on the Maxima from Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey art that won our last poll (last call for comments if you'd like to be part of the giveaway, by the way!), Don is itching to draw something else and we request your assistance in deciding what:
Which classic Batman costume from SMOS #37 should Don Sparrow draw?
Neal Adams '70s Batman
Frank Miller DKR Batman
Bob Kane Detective #27 Batman
Bruce Timm BTAS Batman
Write-in vote (please leave a comment)
Don says: "My idea is to draw those (or whichever era you pick) specific costumes in my own style, which will be a fine line, since such a big part of those costumes' distinctiveness was also the drawing style, but I think it can be a fun challenge."
You can vote on Tumblr or on Patreon, and once again we'll be giving away the original art to a supporter. TO THE BATPOLLS, CHUMS! (Yes, you can write-in the Adam West Batman if you want.)
Bogdanove's key to identifying the referenced artists: