World of Krypton #2 (January 1988)
World of Krypton #2 (January 1988)
More cheerful tales of old Krypton! In World of Krypton #1, we saw the ancient Kryptonians getting into a war with each other because one dude accidentally stuck it in a clone of his mom (that was the official preview blurb for that issue in 1987). This issue fast forwards 1000 years into the future – Krypton is now a post-apocalyptic wasteland, so apparently the war didn’t go so well. The first thing to get blown to shit was the capital city of Kandor, which is destined to be an empty crater in all realities, it seems.
Our protagonist is once again Superman’s ancestor Van-L, a thousand years older but still looking young. Van crosses the world’s ravaged landscape in an A.K.B.R. (Awesome Kryptonian Battle Robot, see the cover above) to reach some sort of refugee camp. Van isn’t welcome in the camp because he’s from the higher classes and has a clean face and all his limbs, but he gets their attention when he says the clone-rights extremists are back, and they want to blow up the entire planet of Krypton this time.
Shyeah right, like that’d ever happen.
You Can’t Clone a Kryptonian: The people who revolted over the rights of the clones evolved into a cult called Black Zero. We’re gonna hear that name again a few more times in later storylines and it’s always bad news.
Death-Watch: Van-L’s long A.K.B.R. trek across Krypton will be mirrored (intentionally or not) by Superman’s own journey in one of the same suits right after his resurrection, since he was temporarily powerless after being brought back from the dead. It’s mentioned that Van lived in the suit for almost a hundred years since it’s full of nutrients to keep him alive, a fact that will also play a part in the Death of Superman storyline. My favorite part? One of those same robot suits will end up being used by Maggie Sawyer in the future.
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