Who's Who in Superman Comics (Part 11)
Who’s Who in Superman Comics (Part 11)
“Leftovers” edition! Featuring all the characters I couldn’t fit into the previous installments: Supergirl/Matrix, Terra-Man/Tobias Manning and the Newsboy Legion/a bunch of bratty kids. Fun fact (if you’re a continuity nerd like me): the illustration above is apparently the first appearance of Boss Movie, the original Newsboys’ nemesis in the 1940′s and a future Superman enemy. I always figured Moxie was a Jack Kirby creation that Superman writers brought back in the mid-90s, but according to the Internet, he made his debut in 1994 (so, three years after this page). Incidentally, does the ugly bastard remind you of anyone?
Anyway, this is the last Who’s Who entry for now, but don’t worry: I’ll figure out some other way to pad out this blog’s post count soon!