The Green Lantern Stories Ron Marz Wrote BEFORE Kyle Rayner
The Green Lantern Stories Ron Marz Wrote BEFORE Kyle Rayner
Before becoming Green Lantern writer and co-creating our boy Kyle, Ron Marz wrote some short stories for the Green Lantern Corps Quarterly anthology series. Are these tales absolutely necessary to understand the Kyle Rayner comics this blog is supposed to be about? Nope. But I still read them because OCD compelled me to, so here they are:
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #4 (Spring 1993)
Fun fact: the first Green Lantern created by Ron Marz wasn't Kyle Rayner, it was Torquemada, the GL who's also a space wizard. In this story, a young guy from a rival gang of space wizards sneaks into Torquemada's secret hideout to steal his GL ring, and hit on his bosomy apprentice Giselle while he's at it.
The evil wizard almost gets away with Torque's ring, but then he decides to force Giselle to make out with him before leaving… unaware that she has a curse that makes everyone she kisses turn into gold. The story ends with the reveal that there's a whole bunch of golden statues inside the hideout, including a female and a giant one, because creeps come in all shapes and sizes.
Not sure how the guy didn't see all those statues there, though. Anyway, Torquemada went on to appear a few times during Marz's run and beyond (without Giselle, unfortunately).
Time for my yearly post at my Green Lantern ‘94 to ‘04 blog! Featuring a (veeeeeeery brief) cameo from Superman villain Lady Blaze.