SUPPORTERS ONLY: Action Comics Annual #6 (1994)

JOHN BYRNE IS BACK! Mid-'90s Byrne, but still! This Elseworlds tale is set in a timeline in which Krypton exploded centuries earlier than it was supposed to and its last survivor wasn't a baby in a pod but a grown-ass adult called Gar-El (which is far too close to “Garfield” for my comfort). Gar crashes down somewhere in England in 1768, right in time to stop a notorious masked thief/horndog known as “The Raven” from having his way with a posh lady right in front of her husband. Yes, we are on page 4 and there's already been an attempted sex crime. This is a Byrne comic, alright.

By the way, “The Raven” never appears or is referenced again in the comic. Byrne just felt like drawing a pervert in a cape for a couple of pages, I guess.
Want to read the full issue of ? Superman '86 to '99