Via @fortressofbaileytude… NEW TRIANGLE ERA OMNIBUS SERIES ANNOUNCED! HOT DANG! Time to save up those $125, which amounts to roughly nineteen cab rides in Metropolis.
The first omnibus will cover from “Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite” to “Metropolis Mailbag,” including “Time and Time Again!,” “The Red Glass Trilogy,” “The Return of the Krypton Man,” “Blackout,” Intergang’s fall, Jimmy Olsen’s homeless adventures, and most of the Cerberus storyline, stopping right before “Panic in the Sky!” (which was recently reprinted, but hopefully gets re-reprinted in a second omnibus). That’s a SOLID chunk of comics there, most of which haven’t seen print in over 30 years! I believe a lot of them aren’t available digitally either, for whatever reason.
Some personal favorite issues from this period that have never been reprinted before include the teen Clark vs. drunk driving story, the Lois and Clark talk in the mountains story, the sideways Atomic Skull double feature, Mr. Z’s debut (and his ensuing evolution into lovable island goof), the incredible “Blackout” finale, the everyone ends up dancing at Bibbo’s while Professor Hamilton plays the piano issue, and Waverider’s first encounter with the Linear Men (sadly, the “Armageddon 2001” annuals don’t seem to be included, though those should probably go in their own omni with the rest of that storyline).
Now, since the previous “Exile and Other Stories” omnibus stopped in November ‘89 and in this one starts in November '90, this still leaves a years’ worth of Post-Crisis Superman comics in the dark, including essential stuff like “The Brainiac Trilogy” and Hank Henshaw’s first appearances (while others like “The Day of the Krypton Man”, “Dark Knight Over Metropolis,” and Luthor’s totally real death HAVE been collected but are long out of print). Here’s hoping this sells strongly enough to not only guarantee at least one more volume covering the entire period leading up to “The Death of Superman,” but also a volume 0 with the '89-'90 stuff. Oh, and the missing annuals. And the “World of…” minis. And Luthor’s biography (edit: I’ve been reminded this is in the President Luthor trade, still in print, but it’d still be nice to have it here). And the Earth Day comic. And…
Anyway, it’s probably time to update that Guide to Superman '86 to '99 Collected Editions post we did like 10 years ago, huh.