Metropolis Mailbag: Superman Rebirth?
Anonymous asked:
Not so much a question, but since there's no real spot in the comments for specific issues, I thought I'd bring up the fact that I made the plunge and picked up "Superman Rebirth Vol. 1." The story in it features the New 52/Rebirth Eradicator, whose origin is different than the original. Definitely more streamlined and not as convoluted. I like it, but I'm still partial to the one we know and love!
I love that they're still using the Eradicator in any capacity, but it's very irresponsible of DC to bring back ‘90s characters when I'm still waiting for the promised return of Doctor Stratos from the ‘80s.
It's kind of like if I had a blog about ‘90s Superman comics but had started reading the current ones on the side in an effort to catch up before Action Comics #1000. Good thing I'm not doing that!