Metropolis Mailbag: Mullet?
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any thoughts on long hair/ Mullet Superman? He was the Superman I came of age with. Action Comics 723 was the 1st comic I ever read. And he was THE Superman of the time. I remember getting to toys from the Man of Steel line. tbh I was a little disappointed at the time he wasn't what Superman was supposed to look like compared to the classic look of Lois and Clark and STAS. But now a lot of 90s nostalgia has kicked in, and I've become obsessed with the mullet
I may have mentioned this before, but I loved seeing the mullet* on covers as a kid because it meant that the issues were new. At the time I was buying (or begging my mom to buy me) every Superman comic I came across and discovering some awesome, all time classic stories from Byrne, Ordway, Perez and so on, but it was still pretty exciting to run into a new issue and find out what was happening to the big guy in the present. So even now, whenever I see the mullet a part of my brain light ups and I start throwing money at imaginary newspaper vendors in front of me.
And speaking of the mullet, we have a new post coming this week and the mullet… isn’t in it. But it’s in the next one! Anyway, thanks for writing in, have this cursed atrocity I made for you:
* I know it’s not really a mullet when 99% of artists from this era draw it, but that’s a funny word so I’ll keep using it.