🚧 Projects in Progress (PIPs)
Developers love side projects.
More specifically, we love starting new projects from an idea emerged a minute ago.
Before long, a tech stack is chosen and the first few lines of code are written.
This becomes a problem when you no longer just have Work in Progress (WIP), but multiple incomplete projects. Rarely is work done on all of them, if any. This is what I refer to as Projects in Progress (PIPs).
🗂 My PIPs
I've got quite a few projects. Notably there is IronMic which has been in maintainance mode for over a year. Then my podcast Sunny Commutes, which had a recent episode but with a few months long hiatus before that. Finally, all the content that I try to create for sunnysingh.io is under a sporadic schedule.
The number of projects continues to expand from there.
🛠My unreleased PIPs
There's a few projects that I have not even released yet. This is the category of Projects in Progress that I truly want to focus on to emphasize the importance of launching.
When a project is unreleased as a "work in progress", it really just means that it doesn't exist. Are you truly working towards the goal of making an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), or just burning yourself out from a never ending scope? By getting a project out there (even unfinished), it provides you with more focus priority. There are people using this now, so what will add the most value?
So to prevent myself from being a hypocrite, here's a project that I've been working on for a few weeks that I kept under wraps.
🚀 Resrc
I am now unofficially launching Resrc, an efficient way for me to curate software development resources.
This is the first public announcement of it, and the reason is that I've been putting it off for the smallest of excuses. The thing is, it's been ready to launch after the first few days that I worked on it.
Another resources site?
Yeah. My first reason is that the name is short and clever, so it's an excuse for me to use a great domain name. The other reason is that I've always lacked an efficient platform for me to curate resources on.
But, I will go in depth on all of that soon in a video on my YouTube channel, so stay tuned (it's already recoded, just not edited).
For now, feel free to explore. It's inclusive to resources in any part of the software development lifecycle (from design to programming to deploy and business management). The stack is really what I'm excited to share with you in the video soon.
📣 Launch your PIPs!
There you go. I launched a PIP via an email, so brush off that side project and release it into the wild!