an auspicious trio of hawks
We are allegedly heading into the most wonderful time of the year, but I have been feeling extremely grim, oscillating between moments of utter despondency to moments of utter despondency where at least I’ve taken a gummy. I am grateful for my coworkers at Defector whose post-election writing has helped me articulate what to do with all this misery and hatred, and I am grateful to work somewhere where we can say the obvious. I am also grateful that Defector has allowed me to have critical, revelatory, and deeply insightful discussions with my coworkers about some of this year’s most horrible Christmas movies.
So while it’s pretty freaking cold outside, it arguably has never been a better time to be outdoors. I find it extremely calming to breathe in the crisp air and succumb to the awe of a big, beautiful bird with an unshakeable urge to kill! A few weeks ago, I attended a bilingual NYC Bird Alliance event in Sunset Park led by bird guide Xinyi Zhang. I’d never been to Sunset Park (the park) before, and our group strolled around its loop while taking in some pretty spectacular views of Manhattan.

Xinyi described the birds we saw in both Mandarin and English. I don’t know Mandarin, but I have been trying to learn some words on Duolingo. And I honestly felt glee when I recognized a stray word (mostly “park” and “white” in reference to a white-throated sparrow.) We almost immediately saw a fairly extroverted hermit thrush, which obligingly hopped around a bush looking like a perfect beaked circle on a few toothpick legs. But all of us agreed that the stars of the birding walk were a trio of red-tailed hawks.

Two of the hawks were juveniles, and one was an adult. They flew around like they owned the place, perching on skeletal branches or flying together in loops. They chased gaggles of petrified pigeons and also a trio of release doves 😢 (the doves are not equipped to survive in the city and will likely starve, get eaten, or be hit by a car.) The hawks were extra beautiful because I could see them well without any binoculars. But it was so special to see them close-up in these photos taken by my friend Lucy. I had no idea they had such beautiful spots!

As we head into the coldest time of year, many species have already fled the city or will be hunkering down to endure the winter. But there are still some great events in December, with plenty of winter-time birding, some evergreen tree identification hikes, scat-tracking(!) and even some potential appearances by what may be my favorite animal of all time: seals! That’s right, seals can be found around New York from late fall until spring, and I’m going to do everything I can to try and spot one. And by the way, did anyone manage to see that humpback whale that was spotted in the East River? Wild!
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🐦 Queens Botanical Garden Birding: Sun Dec. 1 @ 9:30am. Explore Queens Botanical Garden in search of migrant songbirds and learn about the resources the Garden offers to birds and other wildlife. $4 for QBG Members and $10 for non-members, which includes Garden admission.
🦆 Freshkills North Park Birding: Sun Dec. 1 @ 9am. Join Staten Island resident and birder Anthony Ciancimino for a tour of Freshkills Park’s North Park. This park is a beautiful oasis of wetlands and grasslands, where you can expect to see a wide variety of waterfowl, raptors, and sparrows.
🌲 Winter Tree ID in Pelham Bay Park: Sun Dec 1 @ 1pm. Trees have a special place in our environment. Join us for a hike of Orchard Beach in search of different tree species and learn some ways to identify these trees during the changing season.
🐦 Beginner Birding in Hunter’s Point South Park: Sat Dec. 7 @ 10am. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a birding adventure around Hunters Point South Park to learn the basics of birding how to identify common species in our parks. Birding programs are appropriate for all skill levels and beginners are welcome.
🌳 Nature Exploration Hike in Hermon A. MacNeil Park: Sat Dec. 7 @ 10am. On Nature Exploration hikes, we will discover the plants and animals that inhabit the urban forest. To enhance your experience, please bring your own binoculars and field guides.
🦭 Seal Exploration in Pelham Bay Park: Sat Dec. 7 @ 10am. Winter is an amazing time of year to observe seals in the Long Island Sound. You may be surprised by what looks like a rock in the distance, is actually a healthy seal.
🎄 Winter Celebration and Tree Lighting in Morningside Park: Sat Dec. 7 @ 4pm. Please join our incredible neighborhood for an evening of jazz and merriment as we again light up the tallest living tree in a NYC park. Tree is lit promptly at 6pm.
🐦 Birding at Wolfe's Pond Park with Anthony Ciancimino: Sun Dec 8 @ 9am. Discover a diversity of fall migrants with Staten Island resident and birder, Anthony Ciancimino. Expect to see a variety of migrant songbirds in the wooded areas of the park. We will also check the pond and beach for shorebirds, terns, and other waterbirds.
🌾 Volunteer Landscaping and Cleanup at the Ridgewood Reservoir: Sun Dec. 8 @ 10am. Join NYC H2O and the NYC Parks Department as we remove invasive plants and plant native plants at Ridgewood Reservoir! Registration required.
🐦 Winter Waterfowl at NYC Parks: Sun Dec. 8 @ 10am. Join us as we spot some of the migratory waterfowl that spend the winter with us. This event is happening simultaneously at several parks: Marine Park. Alley Pond Park, Pelham Bay Park, Central Park.
🌲 Winter Tree ID at Idlewild Park: Sun Dec. 8 @ 1pm. Trees have a special place in our environment. Join us for a hike of Idlewild Park in search of different tree species and learn some ways to identify these trees during the changing season.
🍂 Forest Park Winter Vine Sweep: Sat Dec. 14 @ 9:30am. Join NYC Parks and The Forest Park Trust for a winter vine sweep in Forest Park's natural areas. Volunteers will hike on our trails and remove harmful vines from our trees and shrubs before they leaf out this spring. We'll also discuss basic forest structure and the importance of biodiversity. Come dressed in warm layers and sturdy boots or shoes. Registration is required.
🦅 Accessible Birding in Fort Tryon Park with Alex Wang: Sat Dec. 14 @ 11am. Fort Tryon Park’s 67 acres are accessible to birders of all abilities and disabilities; past encounters include a variety of birds such as Bald Eagles and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Routes including many well-paved walkways are suitable for birders with strollers, carriages, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, etc. Accessibility enhanced by birding guide and educator Alexandra Wang (Avian Alex), M.S. Ed.
🐿️ Nature Exploration - Urban Wildlife in Astoria Park: Sat Dec. 14 @ 1pm. Learn about the diverse wildlife found in New York City’s parks and the best ways for people and animals to coexist, including the many benefits of having so many animals in our city!
🦉 Owls in Van Cortlandt Park: Sat Dec. 14 @ 5pm. Learn more about the various species of owls found in our parks and hopefully be lucky enough to spot them. Beginners are welcome. Please bring your own binoculars.
🐢 Plants and Animals of Ecology Park: Sun Dec. 15 @ 12pm. Ecology Park is host to 14 different native plant communities. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a walk to discover how the unique animals and plants in this park survive through the winter months.
🌲 Winter Solstice Evergreen Tree ID Hike: Sat Dec. 21 @ 12pm. Trees have a special place in our environment. Come celebrate the Winter Solstice with a hike through Forest Park and learn about evergreen trees and their winter adaptations. Leave the tinsel at home and lace up your boots and stockings for this fun tour of the trees that never quit photosynthesizing, even when the days are at their shortest!
🌲 Winter Wonderland Hike in Inwood Hill Park: Sat Dec. 21 @ 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a brisk nature walk in Winter where we will look for and learn about the local flora and fauna that call Inwood Hill Park home.
🪐 Marine Park Alliance Presents Festival of Lights - Winter Solstice: Sat. Dec 21 @ 5pm. Celebrate when our hemisphere tilts furthest away from the sun, making the shortest day of the year. Dress warm in layers. Bring binoculars and a telescope if you have them to view Jupiter and the rings of Saturn.
🐿️ Winter Wildlife in Spring Creek Park: Sun Dec. 22 @ 11am. Hundreds of animal species spend their winters in New York City parks. Learn how animals such as birds, squirrels, chipmunks and others survive the cold and the snow in this educational wildlife viewing adventure.
🐦 Winter Birds at Baisley Pond Park: Sun Dec. 22 @ 1pm. Join us on this Ranger led walk along the park identifying various woodland birds and winter waterfowl. Rangers will talk about the adaptations winter birds have to make to survive the harsh winter conditions.
🌲 Winter Tree ID at Central Park’s Pinetum: Sun Dec. 22 @ 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a walk through the Arthur Ross Pinetum and learn about some evergreen trees! This tree walk will celebrate the cultural significance of conifers from Saturnalia to Christmas Trees as well as learning to distinguish and identify a plethora of species from around the world featured here in the Pinetum.
🐿️ Winter Wonderland Hike in Crotona Park: Sun Dec. 22 @ 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a brisk nature walk in winter and discover the science of winter weather and what it means for local flora and fauna. Learn how the cold weather brings changes in landscape and habitats in our parks and discover the composition of snowflakes and how each one takes a unique shape.
🦭 Seal Exploration for Kids: Mon Dec 23 @ 1pm. Even when school's out, our parks are still the city's natural classroom! Join the Rangers as we walk along the beach in search for seals! We will use binoculars and spotting scopes along the beach, and learn about this magnificent marine animal who lives in our coastal waters. For kids.
🐦 Birding for Kids: Tues Dec. 24 @ 1pm. Let’s learn how to get an up close look at birds without the need for wings! We will teach you ways to identify birds by sight and sounds. This event is happening in both Captain Tilly Park, Queens, and Central Park. For kids.
🦀 Winter Coastal Ecology for Kids: Tues Dec. 24 @ 1pm. Discover the nature and beauty of Ocean Breeze Park on a winter exploration hike with the Urban Park Rangers. Winter brings changes to local flora and fauna along the shoreline. See what species make their way in for the winter.
💩 Animal Tracking Scat-venger Hunt for Kids in Crotona Park: Thurs Dec. 26 @ 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers on an animal tracking scavenger hunt. Learn how to track animals using scat, footprints and other clues. For kids.
🐿️ Winter Wildlife Hike for Kids in Inwood Hill Park: Thurs Dec. 26 @ 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers as they walk the trails in search of animals that call this park home for the winter.
🦌 Deer Exploration for Kids in Pelham Bay Park: Fri Dec 27 @ 1pm. Oh deer! Learn more about this majestic species and explore the park in search of signs and traces of its presence. For kids.
💩 Animal Tracking in Prospect Park: Sat Dec. 28 @ 11am. Head to Prospect Park and join the Urban Park Rangers to search for animal prints, scat, and shelters.
🐿️🪽 Flying Squirrels and Other Nocturnal Creatures in Van Cortlandt Park: Sat Dec. 28 @ 5pm. New York City is home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. Winter is the perfect time to unlock one of the secrets of Van Cortlandt Park: flying squirrels. Join the Urban Park Rangers as we shine the (figurative) light on these mysterious mammals and other creatures and learn how they navigate nature nocturnally.
🐚🪦 Fossil Exploration in Lew Fidler Park: Sun Dec. 29 @ 11am. Join the Urban Park Rangers on a trek to observe the fossiliferous stones at the edge of the ocean. Learn about fossil identification and put your skills to the test!
🌲 Winter Wonderland Hike for Kids in Riverside Park: Mon Dec. 30 @ 1pm. Discover the nature and beauty of Riverside Park on a scenic winter hike with the Urban Park Rangers. For kids.
🐍 Meet the Nature Center Critters at Inwood Hill Park: Tues Dec. 31 @ 1pm. From stick bugs to snakes, meet the animals that call the center their home. For kids.
🦭 Urban Naturalist Tour: Seals, Seabirds and Winter Wildlife: Join urban naturalist Gabriel Willow (or guest host Russell Jacobs) in a 2.75-hour sunset cruise exploring the NYC winter wildlife and history of Lower NY harbor, the NYC skyline, and the obscure islands of Hoffman and Swinburne Islands just beyond the Verrazzano Bridge! Seal sightings are not guaranteed on this NYC wildlife boat tour, but they have been a constant inhabitant of Swinburne and Hoffman during winter for the past several years. $124 Adult, $86 Child. Use online promo code SEALS40 and receive 40% off our inaugural cruise on December 4th!
🐿️ Junior Naturalist: Winter Science Sampler: Calling all 3rd, 4th and 5th graders! Explore the wonders of winter in this hands-on nature program in Idlewild Park, in which young naturalists will uncover how plants and animals adapt to the cold through fun experiments, outdoor adventures, and creative activities. Join us for a frosty season of discovery on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5pm from Dec. 3 to 19. For children 8-10.
🦪 Shoreline Cleanup with the Billion Oyster Project: On Thursdays at 2pm, loin us in collecting debris from New York City's shorelines to prevent it from re-entering the waterways when the tide returns. This is important in achieving our goal of protecting the biodiversity that lives near our reef sites.
🌹 New York Restoration Project: Everyone deserves access to high-quality public green space. If you’re interested in forest stewardship, volunteer with the NYRP in the parks of northern Manhattan clearing invasive plants, mulching, and clearing litter. Volunteer dates listed in the link above. Registration required.
Thanks for reading! As always, you can view this email online for potentially updated list of events.